"The nature of the soul is not knowable. Every wizard that has attempted it vanishes without a trace. What can be known is that souls are a source of mystic energy that can be harvested."
Souls, Black and White
What does the Luxury Furnisher offer this week?
The Luxury Furnisher Vendor (Zanil Theran) is located north of the bank in the Hollow City, Coldharbour and the Belkarth Festival Grounds in Craglorn.
- Bloodmage Crystal, Oblong 4,000g
- Glass Crystal, Opaque Cluster 4,500g
- Blue Flame Brazier 5,000g
- Blue Crystal Spire 12,000g
- Blue Crystal Spire, Large 18,000g
- Geode, Citrine 20,000g
- Geode, Green Garnet 20,000g
- Glass Crystal, Opaque Pillar 20,000g
- Soul Gem, Great 20,000g
- Khajiit Path Marker, Lion 75,000g
New item:
@Enemoriana. Ru.
Erstwhile Sanctuary as actual Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary,
Hunter's Glade as werewolf tavern (downstairs),
Strident Springs Demesne as adventurer's house.
Wishlist: Hildegard and Kor (jan 30-feb 3), attunable stations (have 27/80 sets collected), molten war torte and white gold war torte recipes.