
Maintenance for the week of February 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 3
• NA megaservers for maintenance – February 5, 12:00AM EST (5:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – February 5, 5:00 UTC (12:00AM EST) - 17:00 UTC (12:00PM EST)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 5, 12:00AM EST (5:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC)
There are always players asking for cost free resources in zone chat, it's not new, but since some days, I see quite regularly players asking "can anyone send anything useful for low levels, ty".

Just before, again in two different zones... Seems to be the new way to go. Have you seen that too? :D
I'm out of my mind, feel free to leave a message... PC/NA
  • coop500
    I think it's one singular spammer who's going around leeching, using that exact phrase.
    Hoping for more playable races
  • karthrag_inak
    Khajiit hoped this thread was about the begging NPCs that go through the beggar-y motions but won't take khajiit's golds when he tries to help them. Something of a crimp in the tail, to be honest.

    Would it not be delightful if one could actually hire one of these beggars and give them tasks to do/quests? "Go get khajiit 10 Rubedite ore, and this one will give you X gold" or "Go find < player x > and give them this package and return and khajiit will give you X gold".

    Khajiit thinks it would be great fun to see all these beggar npcs running around doing fedex quests for other players, yes?
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions. cp3600
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
    Come visit Karth's Glitter Box, Khajiit's home. Fully stocked guild hall done in sleek Khajiit stylings, with Grand Master Stations, Transmute, Scribing, Trial Dummies, etc. Also has 2 full bowling alleys, nightclub, and floating maze over Wrothgar.
  • Malyore
    I've always wondered how successful beggars are in the chat. I know as NPCs they usually get a blade of woe to the back. But my poor self can't help but think about all those players and guilds with millions of gold, and wonder just how much charity I could get from them...

    Is there anything against TOS for asking for supplies through chat by the way? Not sure if it could be classified as spam.
  • moo_2021
    sure, nobody needs lower level mats
  • Drinks_from_Ponds
    We are one of the best communities in the MMORPG genre. We should be helping out low levels by offering them some gold and low level resources, or training gear. We want to foster more people into our great community.

    With the drop in population we should be doing anything we can to make the new players feel welcome.
    FOR THE PACT!!!!!
  • Syldras
    coop500 wrote: »
    I think it's one singular spammer who's going around leeching, using that exact phrase.

    I see different ones on PC EU regularly.

    Plus one guy - although that's always the same one - who asks "Are there any ladies here?" several times a day, in every zone (and then disappears as soon as someone asks him why)...

    Edited by Syldras on January 22, 2025 5:20PM
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • SilverBride
    DreamyLu wrote: »
    There are always players asking for cost free resources in zone chat, it's not new, but since some days, I see quite regularly players asking "can anyone send anything useful for low levels, ty".

    Just before, again in two different zones... Seems to be the new way to go. Have you seen that too? :D

    I've seen that exact message multiple times. I hope others don't fall for it.
  • LootAllTheStuff
    I've seen a few on XB-NA, but they usually get a couple of snarky responses in zone chat and disappear.

    I do like @karthrag_inak 's idea though!
  • Desiato
    This has been a thing in MMOs for as long as there's been MMOs.

    I presume it works. Some things a numbers game. You do it to enough random strangers and eventually one gets lucky. It's like dudes who hit on every girl they see.

    Edited by Desiato on January 22, 2025 6:01PM
    spending a year dead for tax reasons
  • DenverRalphy
    We are one of the best communities in the MMORPG genre. We should be helping out low levels by offering them some gold and low level resources, or training gear. We want to foster more people into our great community.

    With the drop in population we should be doing anything we can to make the new players feel welcome.

    I'm more in the "Teach a man to fish" camp. I lend aid whenever I can (realistically just whenever I'm of a mind). But that aid usually takes the form of education , advice, or hired muscle, before even considering free handouts.
    Edited by DenverRalphy on January 22, 2025 6:00PM
  • Ingenon
    On PS/NA folks beg in zone chat, and sometimes folks reply telling them to do daily writs and earn gold. I will answer requests for help with a world boss, but I am not giving someone in zone chat gold.
  • freespirit
    I have given gold in the past but tbh less likely to do that now, however if I see people asking for mats I will always send some.

    I have a craft bag full of random mats of all levels and I am very happy to aid someone who needs some.

    I do have a pretty good memory and if I see the same person frequently asking I might then whisper instructions of how to farm their own.

    I have many long term friends who I first met through helping them out and they in turn have paid it forward by doing the same.

    A bit of kindness is pretty cheap after all! <3
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • madman65
    Spoiled food can be a gift.
  • Chrisilis
    When I was new I crossed paths with a long time player who spoke to me and offered to trade. Being new, i was hesitant thinking, okay, what's this guy really after, but he said " Don't worry, I'm kind" and so we traded. He gave me 10k gold, some
    maps, and odds and ends to sell. Then he said " Welcome to Tamriel" and went on his way. Two years later I still think of him and wonder if he still plays. I, in turn, have done the same for others in the spirit of pay it forward. I'm always happy to offer but know better than to fall for it when asked.
  • Veinblood1965
    i saw one the other day in Way Rest near the portal. He had a three legged skeever for a pet. I didn't give him any gold though, as he hadn't finished his skeever yet he couldn't be that hungry.
  • LootAllTheStuff
    FO76 has a thing where you can drop a gift bag/box for another player - had that happen a couple of times when I started playing that game. It's a nice mechanic.
  • sans-culottes
    We are one of the best communities in the MMORPG genre. We should be helping out low levels by offering them some gold and low level resources, or training gear. We want to foster more people into our great community.

    With the drop in population we should be doing anything we can to make the new players feel welcome.

    Even the ones who jump from zone to zone daily asking something like, “Please, can a kind soul with a warm heart please send me a stack of soul gems?” This is of course not new. :)
    Edited by sans-culottes on January 23, 2025 3:01PM
  • baratron
    I'll give gold and/or materials to people in zone chat with a good story who are also polite and friendly. Essentially, if you make me smile and say "please", I'll send you some spare stuff. Even if it's just Ornate armour to sell (along the lines someone mentioned of teaching newbies how to make money).
    Guildmaster of the UESP Guild on the North American PC/Mac Server 2200+ CP & also found on the European PC/Mac Server 1700+ CP

    These characters are on both servers:
    Alix de Feu - Breton Templar Healer level 50
    Brings-His-Own-Forest - Argonian Warden Healer level 50
    Hrodulf Bearpaw - Nord Warden Bear Friend & identical twin of Bjornolfr level 50
    Jadisa al-Belkarth - Redguard Arcanist looking for a role

    NA-only characters:
    Martin Draconis - Imperial Sorceror Healer (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Arzhela Petit - Breton Dragonknight Healer (Daggerfall Covenant) level 50
    Bjornolfr Steel-Shaper - Nord Dragonknight Crafter & Not-Much-Damage Dealer (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
    Verandis Bloodraven - Altmer Nightblade Healer & clone of Count Verandis Ravenwatch (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Gethin Oakrun - Bosmer Nightblade Thief & terrible Tank (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
  • Northwold
    I might try this with "I need to buy 32 reinforced dwarfglass windows for Pariah's Pinnacle please help me". You never know...
  • moo_2021
    rrbreezy wrote: »
    Even the ones who jump from zone to zone daily asking something like, “Please, can a kind soul with a warm heart please send me a stack of soul gems?” This is of course not new. :)

    Someone doing the first character could really use a lot of help like that. And it costs nothing to us. All the early level mats, recipes, soul gems, repair kits, etc.
  • LalMirchi
    Perhaps I'm naive but maybe these players are playing a role?
  • Arunei
    The thing is, giving to the scammers with the idea that they might be new people only encourages them to keep scamming people. Especially other newer people who night not have much to give anyway but think they're helping another fellow newb out, rather than a scamming vet.

    If people need mats, offer to give them a lift to Dhalmora. You can farm mats there because there are a ton of super fast node spawns and no hostile mobs to have to fight for any of them. If they need money, tell them they can steal from the multitude of lockboxes there, they'll get gold as well as stuff they can sell to fences for more gold. Plus they could sell some of the multitude of mats they'd get to NPCs for gold.

    And if they don't want to risk messing with the Justice System, offer to show them places where a bunch of Chests spawn they could farm for gold and things to sell. Lady Llarel's Shelter is an absolutely short easy dungeon in Deshaan that has 10 Chest spawns. I'm sure people know of other spots where a lot of Chests spawn.

    Telling new people how to be self-sufficient is a lot more helpful to them in the long run than just giving them things, and it helps dissuade scammers from making bank by playing to people wanting to help out someone who seems like they need it.
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
  • sans-culottes
    moo_2021 wrote: »

    Someone doing the first character could really use a lot of help like that. And it costs nothing to us. All the early level mats, recipes, soul gems, repair kits, etc.

    The soul gem scam is ancient. There’s being helpful, then there’s being naïve.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Empty soul gems are easy to find for free if you know a few places to look, and easy to fill. Then, if you aren't finding empties fast enough, sell the ones you filled, use that gold to buy empty ones from NPCs, fill them, sell them, and repeat that until you have a nice bit of gold.

    Note: I haven't tried that myself, but it seems like it should work just fine and be very easy-peasy to boot.

    So I don't see much reason why new players would need to beg for soul gems unless they're just completely clueless, in which case it would be better to show them where to find a few empty soul gems, tell them how to fill them, show them where NPCs are who will buy the filled soul gems and who sell empty ones.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • SilverBride
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    So I don't see much reason why new players would need to beg for soul gems...

    Because a lot of players have an excess and will send them a full stack of 200. Each stacks sells for 6000 gold to a merchant. It's possible to make hundreds of thousands of gold a day doing that. Selling 166.6 stacks will bring in 1,000,000 gold.
    Edited by SilverBride on January 23, 2025 10:43PM
  • sans-culottes

    Because a lot of players have an excess and will send them a full stack of 200. Each stacks sells for 6000 gold to a merchant. It's possible to make hundreds of thousands of gold a day doing that. Selling 166.6 stacks will bring in 1,000,000 gold.

    Exactly. For a few minutes’ worth of spamming the same message, you can make a million gold off of well-meaning players.
  • Arunei

    Because a lot of players have an excess and will send them a full stack of 200. Each stacks sells for 6000 gold to a merchant. It's possible to make hundreds of thousands of gold a day doing that. Selling 166.6 stacks will bring in 1,000,000 gold.
    But Sea's point is new players wouldn't need to beg for Soul Gems because of how easy they are to get, and it's not newer people doing the begging, it's people looking to scam dozens of altruistic people about of a stack or two per and then turning around to sell them because "they're so easy to get most people won't think twice about sparing some".

    That's why these people beg in zone. Because even if they get just 50 people to send them stuff, depending on what it is that can be a lot of money. And sure, for a number of us losing a stack of Soul Gems or raw mats might not be an issue, again, there are also gonna be a lot of newer people who don't have much themselves but feel like they're helping a fellow newb out by sending stuff.

    If people truly have need of something in this game, in the long term it's better to offer to tell and show them how to get it themselves. It means they won't have to rely on others in the future, and it also weeds out the people who genuinely need and want help from those who are just looking to scam people.
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
  • SilverBride
    Arunei wrote: »

    But Sea's point is new players wouldn't need to beg for Soul Gems because of how easy they are to get, and it's not newer people doing the begging, it's people looking to scam dozens of altruistic people about of a stack or two per and then turning around to sell them because "they're so easy to get most people won't think twice about sparing some".

    I understand this. No one needs to beg for soul gems, new players or otherwise. But as I pointed out, they do it because they can make a lot of gold selling them to merchants, and that is why they beg for them.
  • Orbital78
    Hustlers gonna hustle. Don't like it, don't feed them. Getting resources really isn't too hard, if they are looking for something specific you could always educate them on how to find it.

    I see them at many off ramps in real life, it must work or they wouldn't sit there for hours, eh?
    Edited by Orbital78 on January 24, 2025 2:28AM
  • SeaGtGruff
    To be fair, there most likely are new players who don't know how easy it is to get soul gems. I'm not saying that everyone who begs for free soul gems is like that, but a small number might be. It's like when someone buys something in the Crown Store because they don't know that there are ways to get it in the game without having to spend Crowns on it-- they don't know any better yet. Those players would be better helped by someone showing them how to obtain a few soul gems for free and then leveraging them into gold that can be used to make more gold, rather than just receiving a free handout. And the players who are just trying to hustle everyone-- they don't need a free handout, either.

    Edit: Eh, nevermind, I just checked an NPC merchant. They buy filled soul gems for less than they sell empty soul gems for, so my idea will actually drain your gold rather than adding to it.
    Edited by SeaGtGruff on January 24, 2025 5:50AM
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
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