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Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

What Did You Guys Enjoy about the Early access? Did any one meet great Players ??

I really enjoyed it and met few players
  • Sshado
    Soul Shriven
    I've met more good friends in a few days of Early Access than I did in months on World of Warcraft.
    Well played, developers.
  • darkkterror_ESO
    Absolutely. I met the great and amazing Rakan-ishu...

    Wait, that was me.
  • Rastafariel
    Met lots of great people, and I hope the list grows!
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • Metella
    I'm pretty shy/clueless about the interacting with other people part of this game - never played an MMO or really anything with strangers before (okay, one ill-fated attempt at Team Fortress 2...) and I don't really know the etiquette or whatever. (I also can't quite figure out if it's okay to join in when someone's fighting a hostile NPC/monster or whether I'd be stealing XP from them...)

    Other than that, I've been really enjoying just wandering around Daggerfall and Stros M'Kai, picking up quests and materials, doing a few of the quests, crafting a little bit, looking at the pretty scenery...
  • ZiRM
    I really like the public dungeons where people don't have to group up but just fight along side each other with no hassles.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • FelixDeAssassini
    I enjoyed the grouping but mostly the public dungeons where you can just tag along some players and get through it I also liked it when player saw other players in need and got in the fight either to heal or just assist I think that's what the game is about to get players to help each other I also wonder if doing so do you get more Exp

  • lolage
    Met some random people doing a dark anchor and we all just played our instruments and danced around like idiots until we had more people, lots of little fun things like that make exploring enjoyable.
  • Jegergryte
    I'm sure there were nice people, but I don't like chat systems... I know it's necessary and I don't want it to go away (it is useful I know), but it's really hard to have a proper conversation in it, or to get to know anyone. But generally people have been nice.
  • Fahstolph
    Metella wrote: »
    I'm pretty shy/clueless about the interacting with other people part of this game - never played an MMO or really anything with strangers before (okay, one ill-fated attempt at Team Fortress 2...) and I don't really know the etiquette or whatever. (I also can't quite figure out if it's okay to join in when someone's fighting a hostile NPC/monster or whether I'd be stealing XP from them...)

    Other than that, I've been really enjoying just wandering around Daggerfall and Stros M'Kai, picking up quests and materials, doing a few of the quests, crafting a little bit, looking at the pretty scenery...

    Don't be worried about it. People are always helping each other in the public areas. And I am fine most the time grouping with people. I do prefer if they ask first, but I will still group if they do not. It is an MMO. ;)
    One does not simply get EXP in Cyrodiil.
    -Boromir of Gondor3
  • sickboy2808
    Im all new to MMO games so im also a bit clueless as whats going on..I dont even know where you dungeon for a start.But i am enjoying the game just wandering around trying to level up and trying to figure the skills out.
    ZOS takes cheating very Lightly. You have been warned, and any cheaters found out will get the Least punishment possible...
  • FelixDeAssassini
    Im all new to MMO games so im also a bit clueless as whats going on..I dont even know where you dungeon for a start.But i am enjoying the game just wandering around trying to level up and trying to figure the skills out.

    I'm with you on this one this is basically my first MMO and I'd how the whole tank DPS and Healer jobs work, I hope to meet players in game that can assist with this

  • Thete
    I took the opportunity to set some alts up with skill points in hirelings for crafting purposes so that I can spend more time levelling with official release and some time off work. Mission was successfully accomplished.
  • kijima
    I've actually found things to be very different in early access compared to beta, in beta I found a lot more people would ask you to group up, not once has this happened to me in early access, it looks like everyone is so busy with trying to level up. This is what I've found across two characters anyway.

    I'm in AD still doing quests, haven't done banished souls yet as I've only just hit level 10 now and I have a heap more to do through the middle and the top of Auridon.

    Just surprised with the lack of people wanting or asking to group up, even in chat it's been quieter on that front, in fact in chat it's been more about good farmers than anything else.
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • kijima
    I've actually found things to be very different in early access compared to beta, in beta I found a lot more people would ask you to group up, not once has this happened to me in early access, it looks like everyone is so busy with trying to level up. This is what I've found across two characters anyway.

    I'm in AD still doing quests, haven't done banished souls yet as I've only just hit level 10 now and I have a heap more to do through the middle and the top of Auridon.

    Just surprised with the lack of people wanting or asking to group up, even in chat it's been quieter on that front, in fact in chat it's been more about good farmers than anything else.
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • larimous
    The gold spammers on the second day of early access..... (not), Already in a couple of guilds, Both which are awesome, the universal friends list/ignore list, and the great scenery all around
  • Metella
    @Fahstolph‌ Cool, at the very least nobody has come over and told me off, so hopefully it's fine ;D There've definitely been a couple of times when I was overwhelmed and it was a massive relief when somebody appeared and finished off an enemy just in time so I didn't die! But I am very bad at fighting, whereas I imagine most pe
  • Sue_D_Nim
    Well, I met a couple of random roleplayers, which made an already exciting experience into a memorable one. Mostly, though, I walked around soaking in the beauty of the world and doing the hunting/gathering thing. Downtime aside, my early access experience was fantastic.
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • Teeg
    It was really interesting starting a new character on the first day of early access and seeing so many others doing the same things. Beta only felt busy compared to the first day of early access.

    One of the things I loved was that most of the time, the attitude was "how can we make the game better?" instead of "ZOS, you're doing it wrong." It felt like we were helping to make the game many of us had hoped for for years, and I know, personally, every time they'd send out the patch notes, I'd cheer whenever one of my suggestions was added or bugs fixed.

    The other great thing about the forums was that pretty much everyone was interested in helping. If you posted an issue you were having, people would offer suggestions or share what they'd done in similar situations. Even if you are usually rather shy around people you don't know (like I am), it was easy to get involved on the forums and to make friends in the game.

    There's still that moment of surprise - whenever I visit an area that I've played and replayed many times before, most likely the only real person in the area - that shock that there are so many people playing now, but it's a good thing, really. It's more a feeling of, "This is how the game is supposed to be played." :)
    Mara's Tester <3 Psijic Order <3 Sidekick Order <3 Karma Chameleon
    She Who Explores >:) She Who Wanders >:) Te-ge >:) She Who Wonders (EU)
    Mara's Moxie <3 The Sidekick Order <3 The Psijic Order
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