[Indrayn] [PC] PvE/PvP

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
ESO First Chapter
“Tired of running with scrubs? Wish you could raid with the Elite? Want to get geared for free and have a guaranteed raiding spot each day? Looking for a guild that offers all the best features: Cool green “guild chat” font colors, free demotions, penguin ninjas, guild bankruptcy, all the mead you can drink, sweet rolls you can eat and oh so many more perks. Well we’re not doing any of that, but in case you are still interested, read below for more details.

Order of the Twilight Knights
We are a multi-gaming community, we advocate a spirit of friendship, quality, and solidarity. As part of OTK, Indrayn looks to carry those same standards to Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). Our game targets will be crafting, PvE progession, PvP supremacy and Role-Playing (RP). Due to the nature of the games we play, our interactions with one another mainly revolve around mumble. This will be a vital part of your gaming experience. We are looking for likeminded players who value friendship over reward, but also enjoy kicking butt and taking names. Here is our challenge. If you are strong, mature, brave, fun going “A true Boss” and people notice that you exude PURE AWESOMENESS from every pore of your body, then you are OTK material and we would love to have you join Indrayn.

Player vs. Environment (PvE)
Indrayn will not limit ourselves to PvP or RP, however, we hope to dedicate much of our effort into world exploration and advancement. One of the most exciting aspects of the ES series is the ability to go for a walk and stumble upon new quest/adventures. At release we will have people who enjoy exploring and finding hidden skill lines (such as Lycanthropy and Vampirism), mundus stones, sky shards, ore, chests, quests, and achievements. This explorers will be more than happy to share their knowledge with the rest of the community.

We're also looking to have dedicated crafters, who seek to master one or more crafting skills as fast as they can, so we can be competitive in the economy.

Player vs. Player (PvP)
We will be respected and feared by our enemies in PvP. Throught planning, organization and dedication we will control the biggest towns, villages, mines, outposts and fortresses. We will support our alliance by capturing objects and setting up siege weapons, reinforcing keeps, and upgrading guards. We are committed to causing complete chaos in the realm of RvR and PvP.
Our Lore and Role-playing

In 2E 578, the Indrayn of Vvardenfall noticed that a great evil has risen and threatens to take hold of Tamriel. Supernatural abominations from oblivion, the Daedra, are pouring into the world of Tamriel in massive numbers. Molag Bal, Daedric Prince of domination and enslavement must be stopped, before he merges Nirn and Oblivion into a single, hell forsaken nightmarish world. Indrayn has decided to join the Nords and Argonians in a fight of resolve and vigor against Molag Bal, the Daggerfall Covenant and the Aldmeri Dominion. Jorunn the Skald-King is high king of the great moot, Ebonheart Pact, he has decided to wage war against all that torment Tamriel and its people. Indrayn will insure the success of the Ebonheart Pact by annihilating in its entirety all that stands in our way. We will embrace and welcome all Nords and Argonians into our house, for we are brethren in the quest to repel the invasion of the Akaviri slavemasters. PvP and PvE will be controlled and dominated by Indrayn. Our combined strength makes us a fighting, and frightening force of extraordinary power. Danasi and Varlea will lead the Indrayn guild to victory.

Our name strikes fear in the heart of our enemies! We possess the power, strength and respect of the lion, the wisdom of the owl, the cunning, intelligence of the fox and the dominance in battle of the Griffin. We will hunt all that torment Tamriel like Harris Hawks, together, as a pack, as one. We were created from the last giant eruption of Red Mountain. The lava is very fluid and runs like a stream, providing us with ever changing climates. Constant storms dictate the course of life, forcing us to be adaptable and resilient in our constant fight for survival. We are the Dunmer, dark-skinned, red-eyed with a fire that burns deep within us. No one can stand in our way, we are Indrayn!

Before you apply to our family, know that we will mainly focus on Nords, Argonians and Dark Elves, but we do have people in our guild that will be playing other alliances. So all alliances are welcomed since many of us have many character in different alliances.

1. You must be prepared to use Mumble.
2. Applicants to OTK must be aged 18 or older with the following allowances:
- Applicants 17 years of age or younger who have an adult blood relative who is a full-member of the OTK (family) may apply. If accepted, the adult will become the mentor of the underage applicant.
- Applicants 17 years of age or younger that are not related to a full-member of OTK may be sponsored by an officer on a case by case basis.
3. Understand you are joining a family, not a guild. If you're not looking for a tight knit community, then we're not the right fit for each other.
4. Be an active member of the community and contribute to events, raids, and so forth pre-release and post-release.

So come brothers and sisters, come, Dunmer, Argonian and Nord alike. March under our banner, lend us your steel, magic and stealth, and be proud of your coat of arms as we embark on this most exciting journey. An adventure filled with danger, challenges and obstacles. Together we will bare witness to our successes and failures, but we will stand united in our fight to protect the innocent and bring peace back to Tamriel.

If interested PM me in game at @anahuarque or at anah.Danasi@gmail.com.
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