The counter towards the goal "Craft 25 items inside your home" misses crafted items counter, but accounts just the number of acts of crafting.
i posted two bug reports (sorry first was not enough, as i was figuring out what actually happens) 241203-001554 & 241203-001566
First i crafted 80 poisons at home (as i have all them crafting stations deployed at my primary house) and fulfilled "Craft 50 items" goal,
but despite this was done inside a house, "Craft 25 items inside your home" increases only by 1 (should be all 25, as 80 is greater than 25)
then i crafted a fish stick to check if provisioning works OK. it added +1. i made 10 more fish sticks in one multicraft operation, but got +1, not +10

So, in my humble point of view,
the pursuit "Craft 25 items inside your home" does not account number or items created in one crafting act, though it should.
Workaround: fellow players, craft items at home one by one, not to waste extra materials to the bug.