Yep, was swapping characters and got booted. When I tried to log back in, I got the queue, which then failed. Fun, hope it's fixed before the event ends so we all don't miss the last day...
One of the DPS had just done a big explanation of vMoL mechs, then we all got kicked. I can log on my home server, PCEU just fine. But PCNA is a no go.
Game crashed. Got a timer. Timer expired and then I got a contact customer support if the problem persists. Once I clicked "ok", I got the gold road chapter background with nothing on it, no quit button etc. Had to force quit the game.
Game crashed. Got a timer. Timer expired and then I got a contact customer support if the problem persists. Once I clicked "ok", I got the gold road chapter background with nothing on it, no quit button etc. Had to force quit the game.
Steforax Soulstrong CH782 Sorcerer AD
Grumpy Kahjiti CH782 Dragonknight AD
Rheticia Le Drakisius CH782 Nightblade DC
Razmuzan Thrasmas CH782 Templar EP
Sheenara Soulstrong CH782 Dragonknight DC
Erik Ramzey CH782 Nightblade AD
Growling Kahjiti CH782 Nightblade EP
One of Many Faces CH782 Sorcerer DC
Grumpasaurus Rex CH782 Warden DC
EU Server:
Guildmaster of Pacrooti's Hirelings AD Based LGBT Friendly Guild.
Stefrex Souliss CH701 Sorcerer AD
Grumpy Kahjiti CH701 Dragonknight DC
Slithisi Ksissi CH701 Nightblade EP
Pokes-With-Fire CH701 Dragonknight AD
Josie-The-Pussi-Cat CH701 Templar AD
Stug-Grog M'God CH701 Templar DC
One With Many Faces CH701 Nightblade DC
Trixie Truskan CH701 Sorcerer EP
Grumpetasaurus Rex CH701 Warden EP