JemadarofCaerSalis wrote: »Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but with the skill styles, do we have to own or have access to Gold Road in order to claim them?
I know that we have to have it in order to *use* them, but can we still claim them for later use if we don't have access to that chapter?
JemadarofCaerSalis wrote: »Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but with the skill styles, do we have to own or have access to Gold Road in order to claim them?
I know that we have to have it in order to *use* them, but can we still claim them for later use if we don't have access to that chapter?
The Skill Styles that are specific to Gold Road require having the Chapter to earn them.
Any Skill Styles that were added with U43 and U44, including the Class Skill Styles and the ones coming to Crown Store this month, are completely separated from Gold Road.
JemadarofCaerSalis wrote: »Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but with the skill styles, do we have to own or have access to Gold Road in order to claim them?
I know that we have to have it in order to *use* them, but can we still claim them for later use if we don't have access to that chapter?
The Skill Styles that are specific to Gold Road require having the Chapter to earn them.
Any Skill Styles that were added with U43 and U44, including the Class Skill Styles and the ones coming to Crown Store this month, are completely separated from Gold Road.