I was going over this for myself and thought I'd share this list of dungeon sets worth having for endgame:
Blessed Crucible
Noble Duelist - A meta set for lightning staff heavy attack builds
City of Ash
Valkyn Skoria - Useful as a 1-piece in solo play or PvP for extra penetration
Burning Spellweave - Magicka damage set for builds that do some fire damage
Crypt of Hearts
Nerien'eth - Decent damage monster set for templars
Darkshade Caverns
Engine Guardian - Sustain and decoy set for PvP
Direfrost Keep
Iceheart - Decent mix of damage and defense for solo play
The Ice Furnace - Useful to create (warden) status effect builds for Infinite Archive
Selene's Web
Selene - Single target damage monster set for PvE and PvP
Bloodspawn - Ultigen set for PvP DKs
Tempest Island
Stormfist - PvE damage set
Overwhelming Surge - Early game PvE solo damage and sustain set
Storm Master - A set for lightning staff heavy attack builds
The Banished Cells
Maw of the Infernal - PvE and PvP damage set, especially for pet sorcs who buff this set
Jailbreaker - A speed set, not very meta, but could be useful in PvP or for questing
Tormentor - An early game tank set that can be single-barred for resistances to carry over
Tremorscale - A meta tanking set, especially good when paired with Master's 1H+Shield
Wayrest Sewers
Slimecraw - Very meta as a 1-piece, the only one of it's kind to give +3.5% crit chance rather than the usual 3%
Sergeant's Mail - The #1 meta set for lightning staff heavy attack builds, combine with one of the others
Bal Sunnar
Roksa the Warped - A sustain set
Bedlam Veil
Tarnished Nightmare - A meta PvP proc damage set
Black Drake Villa
Encratis - A niche trial group buff set
Drake's Rush - The most meta ultigen set for (DK) dungeon tanks
Bloodroot Forge
Flame Blossom - PvP ganking set and niche DD set for certain trial bosses
Castle Thorn
Unleashed Terror - Meta Infinite Archive damage set, used to be a meta PvP set
Cradle of Shadows
Gossamer - This might be a healer set for trial hard modes, but I'm not too sure
Depths of Malatar
Symphony of Blades - One of two meta (PUG) (trial) healer monster sets, along with Ozezan
Scavenging Demise - A bow player PvP set
Earthen Root Enclave
Archdruid Devyric - A meta tank and possibly healer monster set
Falkreath Hold
Domihaus - A 1-piece giving both mag and stam could have some niche uses
Pillar of Nirn - A meta DD set
Titanborn Strength - A PvP set that synergises with ganking and vampire
Lair of Maarselok
Maarselok - A PvP ganking / burst set
Azureblight Reaper - A PvE AOE damage set, mostly for trash fights
Z'en's Redress - A PvE group buff set used in trials, typically combined with Alkosh or Martial Knowledge
March of Sacrifices
Balorgh - A very meta PvP set, also meta for (solo) PvE boss burn strategies
Oathsworn Pit
Anthelmir's Construct - A PvP monster set
Ruins of Mazzatun
Mighty Chudan - Sometimes used in PvP builds to save bar space
Scalecaller Peak
Zaan - A PvP/PvE damage set for all content that guarantees Burning status, hence also good for Infinite Archive
Jorvuld's Guidance - A meta set used in combination with Roaring Opportunist to create a "RoJo" healer for trials
Scrivener's Hall
Ozezan - One of two meta (PUG) (trial) healer monster sets, along with Symphony of Blades
Shipwright's Regret
Nazaray - Tank / healer (trial) group utility set to prolong (rare) buffs you are giving the group
Turning Tide - A meta tank set
Stone Garden
Elemental Catalyst - A (trial) group buff set that suits necromancers, but may be redundant when a tank wears Lucent Echoes
The Cauldron
Baron Zaudrus - An ultigen set that may fit some niche builds
The Dread Cellar
Magma Incarnate - Good as 1-piece filler set for sustain, but also as 2-piece group utility set
Crimson Oath - A meta PvE tanking set
Rush of Agony - A broken meta PvP group and bombing set that may also be good for PvE trash pulls
Scorion's Feast - A dungeon (healer) support set
Unhallowed Grave
Kjalnar's Nightmare - A decent PvE damage set for 1 DD in a group or for PvP
Aegis Caller - A meta PvE DD set
Draugrkin's Grip - A meta PvP damage set for certain builds, such as ones that use Crushing Shock
White Gold Tower
Essence Thief - A PvP dueling set
Spell Power Cure - The single meta PvE healer set you should probably farm above all else
Edited by fred4 on December 2, 2024 1:11AM PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)