I found out that there are many types of kahjiits in the game and each one has a name and different characteristics. This game has more cats than I thought.
Anyone know the difference between Cathay khajiits and suthey khajiits?
Pahmar would be my favourite... but not those Ka Po'Tun wannabes that Legends introduced and that are in this game. Pahmar that walk on all four legs like tigers. They don't all necessarily have to have tiger like stripes, maybe some have leopard or jaguar like spots, or maybe they don't have a pattern throughout their coat like lions. They'd be similar to the Senche creatures that are in the base game, but much like how you can tell the difference between a housecat and an Alfiq, you would also be able to tell the difference between a Senche-tiger and a Pahmar
This sounds like Senche (not the wild cat that shares the same name, but the non-Raht version of Senche-Raht).
Senche still have longer front legs than back legs. This should give you a good idea of what the Pahmar and Pahmar-raht should have looked like. Granted, some of the furstocks had little to no information about them, but notice how the Alfiq in this image and the Alfiq in this game both look like housecats. Funny how ESO didn't interpret Alfiq as being small two legged Khajiit that had housecat like faces
Heh, what can I say, its a useful source!
Haha I knew what the image was before I looked.
It may be concept art for Beyond Skyrim, but whats important to note is that it predates TES: Legends by quite a bit. This concept art is utilising official lore, before Legends screwed it up in 2016, so it's still a useful source. Sure, the Dagi and Tojay didn't have much information about them, so their morphologies are very much artistic interpretation, but having Pahmar walk on two legs is what I would expect a bad fan mod to do, not an official release. And lets not forget, Legends did get things wrong, the Redoran Enforcer card being a prime example.Everyone refers to it but its concept art for Beyond Skyrim: Elsweyr, not any solid lore.
I completely agree. And hell, if people like these giant tiger men, they could always retcon them to be the Ka Po'Tun. Create some lore about how they tried to invade Elsweyr by, I dunno, shifting the Pahmar-raht furstock into a different morphology, and somehow also addling the minds of the Khajiit so they don't notice the difference. Hell, maybe it wasn't an invasion, maybe just some hyper powerful Ka Po'Tun wizard made it to Elsweyr in 2E 582, and tried out an interesting new spell on the populace, just to see if he could. Maybe he's the early scout of the next Akaviri invasionIt would have been nice to have more quadrupedal furstocks though since the difference between cathay-raht and pahmar aren’t a lot, for instance.
xbluerosesx wrote: »whichever one that's closest to a catgirl