Context: The opponent is a regular player who often abuses early game power/prestige generating tempo in order to make for relatively quick and relatively non-interactive games.
During their first turn, because the designers have made the morph system the way that it is, the opponent was gifted a Vestements of the Druid King. They also tried to control the tavern by use of the Druid King Patron. During their second turn, they continued gaining advantages by purchase of a Snakeskin Freebooter, a good card for causing more inevitibility. For their third turn, they chose to use an Augur's Council for some quick power generation (they also had mainland inquiries that turn), made a Writ of Coin, and setup a turn where they will have 6 gold. Part of their 6 gold turn will inolve the Freebooter and Vestements. Lastly, for their fourth turn, they decided to combine Vestements with Sage Council for some quick power generation. They also purchased a Scrying Globe which is good for their position.
For my first turn, I reactively purchased Dreaming Cave. This was a reactive play and had to be done given the opponents Vestements and high liklihood of generating 6 gold on their third turn. On my second turn, I purchased Firesong Haruspex. This isn't the worst card, but this was another reactive play since the opponent can't be allowed to build an Agent stack so earlier and it's also not a bad idea to deny them further Druid King cards since they often have synergy with eachother and can have some extreme outcomes including a Agent stack with Forest Wraith or the creation of a Chimera. On my third turn, I was fortunate to be able to use Whispers of the Grove and trigger it's combo 3 on the same turn. A Psijic Apprentice was available to buy in the tavern and that would be a game ender if the opponent purchased it, so I removed it from the game. Nothing interesting was revealed, but a Sea Raider's Glory was present and also purchased as to prevent the opponents eminent Snakeskin Freebooter from creating a free Summerset Sacking via it's combo two and also to prevent some extreme combos that could happen if another Sorcerer King Contract were to be revealed. A Time Mastery entered the Tavern and also had to be purchased as a preventative measure against the opponents Vestements. Time Mastery can be somewhat awkward, but at least has some synergy withe Dreaming Cave.
What you see below in picture 1 is the visualization of the opponens cards - note that Snakeskin Freebooter is in play. Picture 2 shows my cards - note the Dreaming Cave in hand. Picture 3 shows my available options. The opponent will mostly likely have a hand that generates 6 gold on their next turn and can achieve combo 2 with their Snakeskin Freebooter. They most likely won't draw Vestements.
Review picture 3 and tell me what is the play.
Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on November 7, 2024 10:34AM