Bug with displaying Dufort House style in guild shops

I want to buy the style pages of the Dufort house banneret. In the end, it does not appear in the search at all, and it is impossible to find. Only some chandelier is found, while the style pages are available for sale where I am looking for them. I specifically looked for the most expensive page, because no one will buy it for that kind of money to check the bug.

  • HoffmannTheBest
    UPD: style pages can be found, but not by name or keywords, but by price and rarity. To find them, you need to search for them on TTC, find the right merchant, and there select the legendary rarity with the right price, then search among the goods that fit the filters. This is how I was able to buy style pages.
  • Aliyavana
    oh this bug has been around since it was released a year or so ago.
  • jle30303
    And people have been complaining about it. I have been unable to sell my spares because nobody can see them in the Guild Finder.

    Eventually I found a useful solution - I gave them away to my sister who had just started playing :-)
  • freespirit
    It's not just House Dufort, other items are affected by this too.

    I listed some fairly old Runeboxes the other day, four to be exact, two would show on a search with their name, two would not.

    As I'm on PC and people are one, aware of this bug and two can use TTC to locate items at a trader, then search via price/quality, all four sold.

    This would be a very long job on Console though!

    @ZOS_Kevin can you check to see if the team are aware of this issue please, it's been around for a long time!
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • Hapexamendios
    This really should have been addressed already.
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