Considering the ancestral veneration of the Dunmer, it would make sense for it to be a rather solemn place.
Nothing, the forum is full of drama queens. To be honest, that includes about a few peeves. Although to be fair, the fan communities of other TES games have less to dramatise, because Bethesda isn't meddling with the game mechanics of Skyrim and Oblivion every few months for the benefit of competitive players who want a level field.There's also more drama in the forum than in game. Not sure what that says about the writing.
I think every zone in Morrowind should feel gloomy. The Dunmer national identity is famously "grave"/"grim"/"gloomy" etc. A lot of that feels absent from the two chapters in Morrowind.
I wouldn't describe that as producing a gloomy atmosphere most of the time though. Apart from that bloody/disgusting (there are often some small scenes like that; throwing meat chunks somewhere and implying they were human flesh is also a thing they do several times) isn't exactly what I'd call gloomy (or doesn't the English language differenciate between gloomy, creepy and gruesome - I actually though so?), it doesn't do anything to the overall atmosphere if you actively have to search for small details that many people even miss.
You are NOT addressing the most important issue. MORE players want things that are sparkles and pretty ......NOT gloom.
You are killing animals ... animals like tigers, lions, bears .. animals that represent RL creatures. Is that NOT gloomy enough???
I don't enjoy all the unnatural "dark" Daedric planes. I like natural spaces, preferably lighter ones like summerset that takes my mind of how ***, dark and cruel real life can be.
I was so disappointed with western skyrim and the reach being so gloomy and barren. It didn't feel like it did in skyrim at all, where there were still plenty of dark serious quests and caves, but an overland landscape full of actual green trees and life.
I was so disappointed with western skyrim and the reach being so gloomy and barren.
If you go to the deadlands you can see a daedroth grabbing a scamp and literally cheweing its head off then throwing it away. ESO has plenty of dark places, events, and moments, and I think it's more effective when it happens in a more subtle way, like the comment above said as well.
I enjoyed it and found it fitting for ZOS' premise for the chapter (if I'm not wrong, they stated in the reveal stream that they basically had an overall "gothic novel" theme in mind).
Then again, I find foggy grey days to be relaxing and cozy.
JemadarofCaerSalis wrote: »
This is how I feel.
Seems like every game, for a while now, has to be bleak and depressing in atmosphere. It gets so it is not only hard to tell them apart, but also so they no longer *feel* bleak and depressing, because it just seems normal now.
I much prefer ESO the way it is, because it also makes sense.
Sure, there would be some bleak and depressing and gloomy areas, but not every place would be like that.
There is a war going on, but, life goes on. People would still be laughing and having fun, especially far from where the war is actually affecting people, and the weather/atmosphere wouldn't be affected by everything going on. So it makes more sense that most places, outside the actual warzones/daedric realms wouldn't necessarily be dark and gloomy, though they can still have moments of such.
(and as an aside, I tend to find things MORE horrifying if horrible things happen in a bright atmosphere. Gloomy atmosphere, you expect horrible things to happen, but you don't in brighter ones)
katanagirl1 wrote: »
While the harrowstorms are gloomy, the Reach is one of my more favorite zones. I love the Blackreach area and the Markarth style Dwemer structures. I wish we had more of them in our furnishing plans.
As for a war going on, that reminds me of a quote in Mass Effect by Joker when he sees an npc dancing in the nightclub after the Reaper invasion - something about no one waves their arms around like that while dancing unless it’s the end of the world, lol.
EDIT: typo