SeaGtGruff wrote: »None of that sways me from my belief that this is a ridiculous criticism whenever I see someone make it.
Also, if these arguments are intended to show why Tales of Tribute shouldn't have been added to ESO (as several players have argued before in these forums), then they should apply equally to the Legends card game which those same people want the devs to add to ESO.
Personofsecrets wrote: »
Yea, it's a big miss that there isn't this compatibility. Elder Scrolls Legends only ever had one cross promotion with ESO and that was for the Doom Wolf Mount. Requests for that mount plagued the TESL forums, so it's not like ESO players were not paying attention. Maybe some of them could have enjoyed TESL if they had the incentive structure to join it.
I'm surprised that the argonian trapped in an egg pet wasn't free as some kind of promotion with Castles. I was surprised by it's cheap crown cost. Maybe that is the best they could do? Weird!
JemadarofCaerSalis wrote: »I wish I could at least try Elder Scrolls Castles, but every time I go, it says it isn't available for any of my devices...
JemadarofCaerSalis wrote: »If we could only have house guests and assistants *sit* while in the home, people could set up little game tables where the NPCs could 'play' the games.
I hope for a pc version. Not sure how the chances are, but Fallout Shelter has a desktop version, at least.
Who knows, maybe house guests being able to sit will be the next big housing update
JemadarofCaerSalis wrote: »I will have to try the fallout shelter PC version, I tried the mobile app and liked it, but like most mobile apps, just got a bit boring to me after a while.
What happened to TES Blades, by the way? Didn't they say they want to make a PC version for that, too? It's years ago since the initial release and I haven't heard anything about it since.
JemadarofCaerSalis wrote: »
...I hadn't heard of that one, I thought I heard of a blades that was a much older game...
This looks interesting. I need to check it out, it is available for some of my devices..
Okay, apparently it is available for the mobile phone emulator I use on my PC. Will have to check it out tomorrow,
JemadarofCaerSalis wrote: »Well, can't play it, because it says it is available for one of my devices, which is an emulator (I have two, an A03s and a PC, but it says it is available for a Samsung SM-S908E, and claims that is one of my devices)
So, *wilts* have to hope they remember that other devices exist and that owners might like to play it,
(also, is there an easy way to see what devices a google play app is for? blades has a partial list, but I couldn't get it to scroll past the initial selection. and no clue what devices Castles is for)
What a pity! If they made an official pc version, at least everyone could play it somehow.