Mara Buff Revisited

I think the buff of 10% exp. is wonderful, but, having to sacrifice a set piece to have it makes it poopy! I think the buff should be a passive without loosing a set piece.
Having the ring is a nice touch but I think it requires it's own slot just for it.

Please make it so the Mara buff does not infringe on set bonuses. Give the Mara ring it's own slot please.

What do you all think?
  • derkaiserliche
    Yea i agree, maras pledge is completly useless and probably very unpopular as a result.

    If they would just make it a 5% buff without sacrificing a lot, i bet people buy actually like it.
  • BXR_Lonestar
    Or just give us a cosmetic slot that we can use items like this in? People have been asking for a cosmetic slot anyways so seems like they could give us what we want, and then sell us cosmetics that give different bonuses (extra inventory, fishing bonuses, node farming bonuses, etc.).
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