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You need to know why you died ...

We really need should know exactly why we die. Yesterday, I suddenly started taking damage and died. Note this on the AD starter island; its very frustrating to have no warning and then not know what happened. (It might have been a corrupted instance). I know there was some mention of an upcoming killcam recently; but I would say a simple message in the chat window would be really nice.
Edited by zhevon on May 18, 2014 10:38AM
  • murpf
    yes a battle log would be nice.
  • Thete
    More information would indeed be useful, looting as well as combat.
  • Foxhunt
    Kill cam? Oh god no, if it's what I'm thinking about. I don't see the need for a kill cam, imo it's useless. I have yet to not be able to figure out how I died/what killed me. Idk what to say to help you other than be more aware of your surroundings, unless there was an invisible mob that attacked and killed you.
  • zhevon
    Foxhunt wrote: »
    Kill cam? Oh god no, if it's what I'm thinking about. I don't see the need for a kill cam, imo it's useless. I have yet to not be able to figure out how I died/what killed me. Idk what to say to help you other than be more aware of your surroundings, unless there was an invisible mob that attacked and killed you.

    Don't like it either, but that was mentioned after UI blow-up. They want to emphasize environmental cues; yes it sucks.
  • Noswell
    You may find this thread on the upcoming death window interesting
  • Turelus
    There is a feature being added to 1.1 (Craglorn) which will show you what killed you. Not sure how detailed it will be but it should at least give you a better idea of what's happening.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • zhevon
    Thanks for pointing that out - more details since I originally posted this; truth be told I am less frustrated than I use to be but I still have occassional issues with WTF just happened.

    I was just playing move the thread since general was now available.
  • SaibotLiu
    Upon dying, my initial response is "yep that was a DK".

    I've yet to see an instance where this catch all phrase does not apply.
  • MalavarTCOne
    An optional battlelog/death recap that is toggled on and off with a hotkey would be a nice addition.
    "To steal from a god is most unwise" -Nocturnal
  • heitor
    In the new patch (at least is what the PTS changelog says) there will be a window called Death Recap, that tells you important information about how do you died, what damage and heals did you take and stuff like that before you die.
  • Iago
    zhevon wrote: »
    We really need should know exactly why we die. Yesterday, I suddenly started taking damage and died. Note this on the AD starter island; its very frustrating to have no warning and then not know what happened. (It might have been a corrupted instance). I know there was some mention of an upcoming killcam recently; but I would say a simple message in the chat window would be really nice.

    There are times I will log off (and yes this happens in cities with no enemies around as well) and when I log back in my charachter is dead and my armour has taken the decay hit which costs me in game gold......

    I would love to know why this happens
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • PVT_Parts
    Those VR Crits though, you are fighting merrily and the battle vs 2 VR NPCs is going well, you are at half health, suddenly they both hit crits and you die instantly...At least that is what I assume is happening when I die with half health.
  • Gwarok
    I died once because I took an arrow to the knee. Good thing she finally left me for my best friend. Sadly, now I need to grind more gold to buy mats just so I can craft him a thank you card. :p

    Not sure if a combat log could have warned me about that impending death, but would have been nice to be able to go back and review where things started to go wrong.

    /sarcasm off
    Edited by Gwarok on May 18, 2014 3:39PM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    (Juliet): is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Censorious
    This is pretty well the definition of a no-brainer.
    I appreciate that the API was originally far too open and allowed too much of the wrong sort of information to be available during combat but the current situation is just ridiculous.

    I particularly hate it when I suddenly find my health dropping for no reason I can see. Presumably I'm being hit by an attack from somewhere - but there's no clue what it is or what I can do about it or even which way to run.

    It's not so bad in PvE because mobs are pretty mindless - but players can be very devious about attacking from behind/in stealth/at range. In PvP it's essential information.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • lecarcajou_ESO
    What I would like is a little marker on the map that shows where you died, so you can more easily and swiftly make your way back there.
    "Morally Decentralized."
  • morf87
    I thought the lack of info was a feature of eso ? seriously tho purely from a pvp perspective it seems lazy on the devs part that we dont have some sort of combat log in the game, knowing who and what hit u when the game has a PVP aspect is important to help improve.
    For a game with such a big budget and a rich history with past ES games i cant help but feel a little disappointed when half the time im having to guess what just happened.
    So much of this game just makes me feel like it was rushed into release and any problems the game had it was just given a bandaid instead of directly dealing with the issue :(
    and about the death window..why ? what is wrong with a combat log ?
    Edited by morf87 on May 18, 2014 5:45PM
  • Inzababa
    would be nice to know that :)
    Resistance is FUtilez
    Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
    Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.

    Resistance is FUtilez
  • nerevarine1138
    How can a thread demanding a feature that's already coming in 1.1 go on for this long? Especially after someone already pointed out that it's coming in 1.1?
  • lecarcajou_ESO
    How can a thread demanding a feature that's already coming in 1.1 go on for this long? Especially after someone already pointed out that it's coming in 1.1?

    Man, you're bound to blow a gasket someday applying logic like that here.

    "Morally Decentralized."
  • RangerChad
    ಠ_ಠ I feel like nobody reads news on this game, except a handful.
  • Keep_Door
  • SkinnyDG
  • Volkodav
    Since day 1 whenever I get killed a black window comes up telling me exactly what killed me and why.
  • Xendyn
    Since day 1 whenever I get killed a black window comes up telling me exactly what killed me and why.

    psst...check the thread date.
    The children are playing "lets necro"
    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
    A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates
    Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history

  • Alucardo
    The Worm Cult is here, and they are focusing on forum threads instead of corpses
  • Rosveen
    Since day 1 whenever I get killed a black window comes up telling me exactly what killed me and why.
    Nope, not since day 1 - unless you see console launch as day 1.

    Also, what's with all the necromancy recently?
  • DaveTheMinion
    Some in game messages informing you why you died that may take the sting out of dying and make you laugh!

    1, Heavy armour is good in a fight, but crap when you fall off a cliff. Gravity killed you.
    2, That big dude swinging that small tree as a weapon has more bang for buck than that little sword you waved in his face. You got whooped!
    3, Did you see that nightblade creeping up behind you? NO! that's why you died. Should have gone to Specsavers.
    4, An arrow to the knee can end your career, always be aware of flying pointed objects. The archer who killed you may be a coward but who needs the re-spawn!

    Please add your own.
    EU PS4 Megaserver
    VR16 Sorc - Daggerfall - Magic Build
    VR16 Nightblade - Daggerfall - Stamina Build

    PS4 Guild: Illuminati Gaming for the over 30's is not a myth.
  • KiraTsukasa

    I am SO glad you revived this thread for such INCREDIBLE input into the conversation.
  • Volkodav
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Since day 1 whenever I get killed a black window comes up telling me exactly what killed me and why.
    Nope, not since day 1 - unless you see console launch as day 1.

    Also, what's with all the necromancy recently?

    Actually,no,not console.I wouldnt use one.I mean since the betas.Dont tell me no,when I know what I know.I get a damn black window that tells me why I died.Beneath it is where you choose to either use a gem to revive or a wayshrine.
    Edited by Volkodav on August 31, 2015 12:07PM
  • Tankqull
    the death screen is garbage - it often displays wrong attacks recieving a flame whip from a solo sorc is so likly to happen :p

    and a true battle log with worthwhile information is still needed to track fights make them recapturable to learn from fights and to nail a finger upon bugs.

    as - well there is sth fishy when beeing attacked by a DK - is not realy helpfull
    vs - when beeing attacked by action X followed up with action Y leeds to : " you cant do this while under effect of X!" while simultaniously you get " you cant do that while under effect Y!"
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

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