Necro Flame Skull Bugging Out In PvP

I noticed that, after some PvP action in both Imperial City and Cyrodiil, the Necro Flame Skull skill (more specifically, the Richochet Skull morph, I have not tested it yet with Venom Skull) bugs out. What happens is that I reach the necessary 3rd cast to make it bounce (and do AoE damage plus generate a corpse due to Gravelord's Sacrifice), but all the extra effects don't happen: No 33% extra damage, no ricocheting, no corpse, no aoe damage. The projectile just looks like a normal, first cast of the skill, doesn't matter how many times I cast it, and a persistent 3-skull effect is permanently showing up on my buff bar (the same you get when you are ready to cast the empowered 3rd cast skull). You can get rid of this effect only by dying or logging out.
As far as I can tell, this only happens in PvP, and I'm 90% sure it is related to some form of interaction with people dodging my skulls (it happens a lot, since they are slow projectiles and people see them from miles away).
So, yes, yet another issue with Necro, making the class less and less effective in PvP. Please, ZOS, look into this.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    I noticed that, after some PvP action in both Imperial City and Cyrodiil, the Necro Flame Skull skill (more specifically, the Richochet Skull morph, I have not tested it yet with Venom Skull) bugs out. What happens is that I reach the necessary 3rd cast to make it bounce (and do AoE damage plus generate a corpse due to Gravelord's Sacrifice), but all the extra effects don't happen: No 33% extra damage, no ricocheting, no corpse, no aoe damage. The projectile just looks like a normal, first cast of the skill, doesn't matter how many times I cast it, and a persistent 3-skull effect is permanently showing up on my buff bar (the same you get when you are ready to cast the empowered 3rd cast skull). You can get rid of this effect only by dying or logging out.
    As far as I can tell, this only happens in PvP, and I'm 90% sure it is related to some form of interaction with people dodging my skulls (it happens a lot, since they are slow projectiles and people see them from miles away).
    So, yes, yet another issue with Necro, making the class less and less effective in PvP. Please, ZOS, look into this.

    I don't believe this happens with the Venom Skull morph, but I have seen it occur with the Ricochet morph as well.

    There is also a (potentially related) bug where GLS doesn't give the AoE damage and Corpse Generation to your 3rd skull cast if the 3rd cast kills its initial target.
  • SPlDER5
    I have made multiple posts about this exact issue over the course of 3-4 years (yes this bug has existed that long), and I’ve seen many others post about it.

    I’ve tried tagging devs, I’ve tried submitting tickets, I’ve tried to bring it up during live q&a, with no response.

    I know for a fact I’m not the only one reporting this issue, so my assumption is there’s just not enough people playing necro to generate enough reports/conversation about the bug.

    I truly cannot understand as the Gravelords sacrifice change would imply they want to encourage using skulls as a spammable, yet here we are, a bug that’s existed as long as necro has… still here.
  • Darth_LucSky
    SPlDER5 wrote: »
    I have made multiple posts about this exact issue over the course of 3-4 years (yes this bug has existed that long), and I’ve seen many others post about it.

    I’ve tried tagging devs, I’ve tried submitting tickets, I’ve tried to bring it up during live q&a, with no response.

    I know for a fact I’m not the only one reporting this issue, so my assumption is there’s just not enough people playing necro to generate enough reports/conversation about the bug.

    I truly cannot understand as the Gravelords sacrifice change would imply they want to encourage using skulls as a spammable, yet here we are, a bug that’s existed as long as necro has… still here.

    I cannot agree more, and what you said makes perfect sense. Less and less people are playing Necro, understandibly so. The class is extremely clunky to play, with a very advanced rotation that is just not.. good. And on top of this, all these bugs. ZOS is trying to make Flame Skull work, but it is just a very clunky and weak spammable.
  • Darth_LucSky
    I'd like to point out that Ricochet Skull is still bugging in PvP, even after the supposed fix to it.
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