I'm not sure if there is some inefficiency in the loading system, or that it's so optimized that extra speed doesn't provide much benefit, but I've often felt that the loading times in this game are a bit on the long side.
So I performed a test on the same character in the same place on both the newest and fastest of my SSDs, and my old storage drive. I'm sure it goes without saying, but in every way, other than capacity, that SSD absolutely *destroys* the HD. Yet it only loads the into my character slightly faster, at 16 seconds vs 19 seconds. I might add this is typically faster than going into instances and other quest related areas, this is just standing out in middle of the wilderness.
I've compared the loading times with the SSD and compared them to my HDs before, and most games and programs experience massive improvements when loading from the SSD, often as much as between 40%-70% - which is why I am posting.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Core i7 @ 2.93Ghz per core w/hyperthreading
8GB G.Skill "gaming" RAM, nearly the top my motherboard supports.
Samsung HD204UI HD
Samsung 840 Series SSD
Edited by SMW1980b14a_ESO on April 3, 2014 2:39PM I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -Albert Einstein