Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

Looking for organized PVP on PC/NA (smallscale/ballgroup/etc.)

Hello, I am looking for an active ballgroup/smallscale on PC/NA. I can currently only play a healer on NA but am open to covering other roles in the future. Just to preface: yes, I have looked in the guild finder but it is quite difficult to tell if the guild is what I'm looking for and whether they are even still active.

Some caveats to start with: PC/NA isn't my main server as I'm located in the EU. This means that I will mostly be able to play on Fridays on Saturdays during NA prime time. If playing earlier than prime time, I'd be more flexible.

PC/NA not being my main account also means I have a lot of catching up to do in terms of gear and CP farming. I do currently have a fully appropriate healer build, but with just short of 600CP I'm still missing some aspects of a full build for the CP-active campaigns.

However, I am an experienced healer/support PVP player and occasional DD on PC/EU. I can show logs/raid footage to show my performance in case there are any doubts there.

Now, what I am looking for in a PVP guild:
- I'm interested primarily in smallscale or ballgroup play with AOE-based skills. So keeping vigors and regens up and nuking a numerically superior opponent with a coordinated push. I can adjust my build for more tanky gameplay but it's not my preference.
- AD alliance is preferred. I can play other alliances but would need some time to level a character there.
- I want a challenge/fair fight, so I prefer to fight outnumbered, meaning I am not interested in ballgroups that raid with multiple groups or ones that play alongside zergs/chase solos.

If you have a guild that more or less matches this description and you're willing to take me in, you can reply here, send me a private message, or contact me in-game or on discord. My id is degonyte everywhere but here. Thanks for your consideration!
PC/EU altaholic | Smallscale & ballgroup healer | Former Empanada of Ravenwatch | @ degonyte in-game | Nibani Ilath-Pal (AD Nightblade) - AvA rank 50 | Jehanne Teymour (AD Sorcerer) - AvA rank 50 | Niria Ilath-Pal (AD Templar) - AvA rank 50
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