as you can see in the image, I am in IA, fighting mobs which are not there
it's not that they are not rendering, it's that they are literally not there, I can't target them with a single target ability, I don't even see their name of health bar, but though the use of AoE and the compass at the top of the screen I can locate and defeat them (even if it keeps happening every 2-3 waves)
so the patch today clearly broke something
and for the record
things i tried which did not help
-turn off all my addons (and reloading ui)
-restarting the game
-running repair
-reloading ui
-uninstalling my addons, restarting the game
and then I went "screw it" reinstalled my addons, rebooted the game, took the screenshot on the thrid instance this happened and here we are
Edited by ZOS_Bill on July 31, 2024 4:29PM