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Reminder for the pve players and IC haters for the event

The pvp event starts on the 25th of july. 2 Tickets a day for cyrodiil quests and 1 ticket a day for imperial city dailys.

If you hate the IC (like me), just do the quests before the event starts but dont turn them in yet.. They are fast and its very empty at these times. You can do them mostly without any interruptions.

You can stack 13 quests on your chars and then you are set for the event.
  • OsUfi
    FWIW, same for Cyro. Scouting, Fighters Guild, and town quests all count as far as tickets are concerned.

    I always enjoy Whitestrakes, but I stack up too as I'm usually unable to play for long weekdays. Logging on just to hand in quests for tickets suits me Monday - Thursday.
  • Orbital78
    There are usually enough campaigns with low population that you can faction hop to get dailies done easily. I just hope they are keeping plenty of space for PVE players wanting to harvest in CP campaigns.
  • tomofhyrule
    I always pre-load IC quests. I got two characters done on Monday and one more yesterday.

    I dislike PvP. I'll go into Cyro, but IC is just the worst. It's a joke in my guild that there's an addon that specifically tells others when I'm in a PvP zone - they can go in and spend all day there without seeing a soul, but as soon as I walk in, the other two teams will both peel away from any objectives they have to come find me, even (especially) if I'm at a single resource on the other side of the map.
  • AzuraFan
    I just skip this event. With an event a month, it's okay to skip ones I don't like. I'll still have enough event tickets to get the stuff I want.
  • belial5221_ESO
    IC jsut goto Arena district,get quest,and stay on top tower.Others will save the ppl,and you can do other stuff RL while waiting.No PVP needed,lol.For Cyro,make sure to have 3 chars atleast,one each alliance,then pop in the alliance with most map coverage,go do a quick town quest(Cheydinhal - EP,Chorrol - DC,Cropsford for AD),and done.
  • zaria
    IC jsut goto Arena district,get quest,and stay on top tower.Others will save the ppl,and you can do other stuff RL while waiting.No PVP needed,lol.For Cyro,make sure to have 3 chars atleast,one each alliance,then pop in the alliance with most map coverage,go do a quick town quest(Cheydinhal - EP,Chorrol - DC,Cropsford for AD),and done.
    You can just queue for various campaigns on alts then find the one where your faction own the map and do an town quest.
    If in an hurry find one there you own nothing, get an scouting quest, travel to other campaign were you own the map, travel to location and pick up. This is more for the, can just lot in for endeavor days
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • MidniteOwl1913
    zaria wrote: »
    IC jsut goto Arena district,get quest,and stay on top tower.Others will save the ppl,and you can do other stuff RL while waiting.No PVP needed,lol.For Cyro,make sure to have 3 chars atleast,one each alliance,then pop in the alliance with most map coverage,go do a quick town quest(Cheydinhal - EP,Chorrol - DC,Cropsford for AD),and done.
    You can just queue for various campaigns on alts then find the one where your faction own the map and do an town quest.
    If in an hurry find one there you own nothing, get an scouting quest, travel to other campaign were you own the map, travel to location and pick up. This is more for the, can just lot in for endeavor days

    I have done this and the problem with it is the players of the opposing alliance who camp on the towns. So EP owns most of the map, but Bruma and Cropsford are DC and AD for instance. So no porting into the town and riding to the city is not that bad but then you have to fight the guards to get to the quest givers. And dollars to donuts there will be someone waiting to gank you when you show back up. It's a pain.

    So I always check the no-cp Ravenswatch campaign to see if the map looks better before starting the quests.
  • Aurielle
    I preload IC quests for tickets too, mainly because the last thing I want to do during Mayhem is boring ol’ PVE, haha. Bring on those sweet, sweet 200k BRK defense ticks…
  • SeaGtGruff
    I may have seen a few IC-hatin' players getting ready for the event by doing quests in IC during the past week or two. I usually go to IC several times a week, if not daily, to do at least one district daily, and a few times I've seen players from the other two factions creeping cautiously along. I always leave other players alone in the districts, so I just ran or rode past them, probably giving them a moment of panic when they saw me.

    In one or two cases another player or group of players from that same faction came along and killed me, so you know what they say-- "No good deed goes unpunished"-- but I pretty much expect to get killed whenever I go into the districts, so I just rez back at base, bank what little Tel Var I had on me, then return to finish the quest.

    Seriously, the IC district dailies are usually very easy to complete, especially if you spend a little time in IC to learn the layout of each district and where the quest objectives are, and develop strategies and alternatives for completing a given quest as quickly and efficiently as possible. Just think of dying to other players as being little different than dying to NPC enemies, learn how to queue back and forth between IC and Cyrodiil (very easy if you find a safe spot to queue from and pick one of the campaigns that isn't pop-locked), make sure you bank your Tel Var back at your sewer base, and don't get upset if you lose a bit of Tel Var to another player. Unless you're actively farming Tel Var in a district, you will rarely earn very much of it while doing a daily, so your real Tel Var reward will come from the reward box when you turn in the quest.

    As for Cyrodiil, I used to be afraid of getting killed by other players whenever I went there to do delves, collect skyshards, or complete PvE quests. But one year I decided to join up with a small zerg from my faction and try to help with capturing and defending keeps, and capturing and running scrolls. I ended up having so much fun-- despite dying a lot-- that I now enjoy going to Cyrodiil on a semi-regular basis to capture resources and try to help with the fighting as well as I can. If you've never tried PvP in Cyrodiil, I would encourage you to put your trepidation aside and give it a try during one of these PvP events. You might discover that it can be fun.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    IC jsut goto Arena district,get quest,and stay on top tower.Others will save the ppl,and you can do other stuff RL while waiting.No PVP needed,lol.For Cyro,make sure to have 3 chars atleast,one each alliance,then pop in the alliance with most map coverage,go do a quick town quest(Cheydinhal - EP,Chorrol - DC,Cropsford for AD),and done.
    Yeah, but watch out for trolls. I have seen some people using some wired push-pull combo and blind-casting it onto the tower, so don't stay AFK there, and keep your guard up.

    Many PvP-ers keep this unwritten rule, that if you do not attack them, they will not attack you. For example when one of your alliance players is being attack down on the streets and if you engage in combat (even with ranged attack while staying on the platform), other enemy players will attack you too. But there are also some fake troll PvP-ers who will try blind casting AOE on top of platform, hoping for easy kill (even if you stay in stealth and ignore the fighting).
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on July 20, 2024 10:30PM
  • Wereswan
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    There are usually enough campaigns with low population that you can faction hop to get dailies done easily. I just hope they are keeping plenty of space for PVE players wanting to harvest in CP campaigns.

    Honestly, the doubled nodes are just bait; they're so widely spaced in Cyrodiil that it's questionable whether it's even worth it.
  • Orbital78
    Wereswan wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    There are usually enough campaigns with low population that you can faction hop to get dailies done easily. I just hope they are keeping plenty of space for PVE players wanting to harvest in CP campaigns.

    Honestly, the doubled nodes are just bait; they're so widely spaced in Cyrodiil that it's questionable whether it's even worth it.

    Mym is when I get most of my war torte recipes but I'm sure they have devalued a lot with market crash.
  • Wereswan
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    Wereswan wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    There are usually enough campaigns with low population that you can faction hop to get dailies done easily. I just hope they are keeping plenty of space for PVE players wanting to harvest in CP campaigns.

    Honestly, the doubled nodes are just bait; they're so widely spaced in Cyrodiil that it's questionable whether it's even worth it.

    Mym is when I get most of my war torte recipes but I'm sure they have devalued a lot with market crash.

    Ah, now that makes sense; got the three my main crafter needed and haven't thought about it much since.

    There's one or two listed for 1.5 million, but most still seem to be around 2 million or so.
  • MidniteOwl1913
    IC jsut goto Arena district,get quest,and stay on top tower.Others will save the ppl,and you can do other stuff RL while waiting.No PVP needed,lol.For Cyro,make sure to have 3 chars atleast,one each alliance,then pop in the alliance with most map coverage,go do a quick town quest(Cheydinhal - EP,Chorrol - DC,Cropsford for AD),and done.
    Yeah, but watch out for trolls. I have seen some people using some wired push-pull combo and blind-casting it onto the tower, so don't stay AFK there, and keep your guard up.

    Many PvP-ers keep this unwritten rule, that if you do not attack them, they will not attack you. For example when one of your alliance players is being attack down on the streets and if you engage in combat (even with ranged attack while staying on the platform), other enemy players will attack you too. But there are also some fake troll PvP-ers who will try blind casting AOE on top of platform, hoping for easy kill (even if you stay in stealth and ignore the fighting).

    I haven't found the no attack thing to be that case at all. I never attack first mostly because I know how that ends, but lately I don't even see them. I'm busy taking down a trash mob to get the questing done, and boom, I'm dead. It seems there are groups of players hanging out near the quest objectives just to do that. To be clear I only quest in a zone that my faction owns. It's PVP I get that, still it seems petty.

    THese are not people who PVP for the challenge, but trust me I'm not it.

    Edited by MidniteOwl1913 on July 21, 2024 2:35AM
  • SeaGtGruff
    Wereswan wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    There are usually enough campaigns with low population that you can faction hop to get dailies done easily. I just hope they are keeping plenty of space for PVE players wanting to harvest in CP campaigns.

    Honestly, the doubled nodes are just bait; they're so widely spaced in Cyrodiil that it's questionable whether it's even worth it.

    There are certain areas of Cyrodiil which have a higher density of resource nodes; the distribution of nodes is definitely NOT even across Cyrodiil. Hence, if anyone wants to take advantage of double-draws on resource nodes during the event, they should focus on farming areas where nodes are more densely placed.

    Double-draw events can be good times to farm for rare ingredients, and are also good times to harvest Psijic portals (if you can find them) since it will be like harvesting two Psijic portals at the same time. Psijic portals in Cyrodiil can potentially drop crafting motif pages for your alliance, as well as the Imperial style motif.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Bucky_13
    A tip for those who wanna do town quests, do Cheydihnal & Chorrol if you can as no PvP player who cares about the map will be there. Unless you get unlucky and a scroll passes through. But 99% of the time the only players attacking others there will be the low skill PvP gankers who can't kill anyone except for PvE questers.

    In Bruma, Cropsford and Vlastarus players who fight for the map will flip those towns since they matter for respawn near their respective keeps and outposts. So often PvE players who are questing there will get killed, especially if they try to turn the flags. Not because of PvPers who wanna gank, but because they might flip flags.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    Many PvP-ers keep this unwritten rule, that if you do not attack them, they will not attack you.

    While this might be true for some PvPers, it certainly isn't true for all.

    I've been hit while fishing in IC, once by a two man ganking team who hit me from behind. The first I knew about it was the death recap showing synchronized ultimates - total overkill when attacking someone from behind, I suppose they really, really wanted to be sure I didn't spank them with my fishing rod...

    So yes, while some PvPers will not attack if you are clearly not involved in PvP, there are many others who actively seek out "defenceless" PvEers trying to hand in quests, or fish, or just exploring for skyshards.

    My advice for people who really cannot stand PvP (but want the tickets) is go to Arena in IC and stay on the platform (fire off a few ranged attacks if you feel like it but, as mentioned previously, it isn't necessary). Settle for one ticket and you don't need to do any more.

    In Cyrodiil just do a scouting report. Ride out keeping away from anyone (quite often you never even see anyone), then creep around until you get the notification that you can make the report - usually you don't have to go particularly close to the location, and can stay hidden throughout.

    Or just go all-in and have a blast - who cares if you die?

  • OsUfi
    Many PvP-ers keep this unwritten rule, that if you do not attack them, they will not attack you.

    While this might be true for some PvPers, it certainly isn't true for all.

    I'm an alliance rank 30'ish, terrible PvP'er who usually runs as a healer. Gonna be honest, anyone in an opposing faction is an enemy. If I see someone obviously fishing, I might pass them by, but I'll usually attack first ask questions later. Unwritten rules sometimes apply on guild nights where we don't actively hunt questers, but if you're there when we arrive we're not all going to look at you, examine what you're doing, and decide whether to attack or not.

    Also gonna add, if you're PvE'ing on Greyhost, Ravenwatch, or Blackreach when they're full, you're taking spots on the server from PvP'ers, potentially taking away from our fighting power during the campaign. You will get some hate for that. PvE in a quiet campaigns ZoS add for Whitestrakes to avoid receiving that hate.
    Edited by OsUfi on July 21, 2024 10:49AM
  • I_killed_Vivec
    OsUfi wrote: »
    Many PvP-ers keep this unwritten rule, that if you do not attack them, they will not attack you.

    While this might be true for some PvPers, it certainly isn't true for all.

    I'm an alliance rank 30'ish, terrible PvP'er who usually runs as a healer. Gonna be honest, anyone in an opposing faction is an enemy. If I see someone obviously fishing, I might pass them by, but I'll usually attack first ask questions later. Unwritten rules sometimes apply on guild nights where we don't actively hunt questers, but if you're there when we arrive we're not all going to look at you, examine what you're doing, and decide whether to attack or not.

    Also gonna add, if you're PvE'ing on Greyhost, Ravenwatch, or Blackreach when they're full, you're taking spots on the server from PvP'ers, potentially taking away from our fighting power during the campaign. You will get some hate for that. PvE in a quiet campaigns ZoS add for Whitestrakes to avoid receiving that hate.

    Don't get me wrong, I wasn't complaining about it. I was just pointing out that "honour among PvPers" is a myth.

    Even when I was caught fishing in IC, the overkill was funny but I knew I wasn't safe. That's the choice we brave anglers make ;)
  • belial5221_ESO
    Yeah, but watch out for trolls. I have seen some people using some wired push-pull combo and blind-casting it onto the tower, so don't stay AFK there, and keep your guard up.

    Many PvP-ers keep this unwritten rule, that if you do not attack them, they will not attack you. For example when one of your alliance players is being attack down on the streets and if you engage in combat (even with ranged attack while staying on the platform), other enemy players will attack you too. But there are also some fake troll PvP-ers who will try blind casting AOE on top of platform, hoping for easy kill (even if you stay in stealth and ignore the fighting).

    If you stay on the door or inside that area,it's safe,they can't really get you there,and you can still get credit from the close saves.Takes a bit longer,but will get done,and if you keep dumping telvar jsut run to nearby ppl to save and lose nothing if killed.
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