Looking For A Guild

I make this post in response to the thread I started yesterday about ignoring selfish players in group content where many responded by encouraging me to look for a guild that suits my play.

First, I want to admit I have no idea how to manage being in five different guilds simultaneously. That is just bonkers to me. Neat idea but way beyond my ability. I only know how to be loyal to one guild at a time and expect to be in only one guild at a time. If the guild does not suit me I will leave it for another or just be solo.

Second, the guild I have been in since December(?) is pretty darn good although not quite where I think I belong. They seem to have greater access to the game than I do either through ESO Plus or the purchase of additional content and they are clearly more hardcore than me as they focus on Vets, Trials and other activities that are currently beyond any of my characters abilities. I know this because they have carried me through a few of these more advanced group activities so that I could see what they were about and my deaths were numerous while they had none. This is perfectly okay with me as my hardcore days are long behind me. I prefer the slower pace of being a casual and not hindering the fun and playtime of others. And since this guild has been good to me I expect to break my "one guild rule" but only for them by remaining a member for the foreseeable future. But they insist on using voice chat to play with them which brings me to my next item.

Third, I no longer use any voice chat in any online game I play. There are two main reasons for this, one being the crippling headaches I get when I have used voice chat software and the other being that I no longer have any patience for the constant non-game chatter and nonsense that other players like to engage in. I know that this will exclude me from consideration for many guilds as they have come to rely on a third party service called Discord. It seems the good old days of playing MMOs without voice chat are long gone as none of the younger players know how to play that way. That's okay for me, too.

Fourth and etcetera, I do not have the ability to follow a set schedule and tend to only play whenever I have a moment. I usually don't have a lot of time to play when I am on and frequently need to logoff abruptly to tend to real life considerations which of course are more important than any video game. I mostly just try to get my daily dungeon if I can (see other thread mentioned above) and then logoff whether I get my dungeon done or not.

So, you might be wondering what I am looking for in a potential guild since I offer so little in return. Mostly help questing as needed (which I need right now since I started Craiglorn zone last week and no one has been willing to help the few times I have asked in zone chat when I had 30 minutes or so to focus on those quests. This is not a complaint, at least not toward any players. It is a bit of a complaint toward the person(s) that designed an entire zone around group quests. Group quests are nothing new to me but an entire zone of them is. And an additional complaint might be the limit of only being allowed to have a total of 25 quests at one time. The last MMO I played before coming to ESO was Rift which allows you to have up to 75 quests at once and numerous other features not present in ESO. Rift was a great game that I played hardcore from launch in 2011 until it went free to play in 2013 and the sporadically after that. So, my MMO mindset is still firmly thinking like I learned to think in Rift with the numerous freedoms that game offered. It's tough adjusting to all the limitations of ESO but I am adjusting.

I am thinking of picking up the Sommerset content at some point as I have been told it will unlock Jewelcrafting and other basic features that everyone I talked to ingame says should not be locked behind the paywall. I am in no hurry as I have not yet exhausted all the content I currently have access to.

If I seem like someone you wouldn't mind having in your guild please let me know. I play only on North America server when I do play. Oh yeah. And I don't do this "dues" guild thing I've seen advertised. Someone explained it to me once and knew it wasn't for me. I wish them well but have no interest in being part of it. And if I don't seem like someone you'd like to have in your guild please say nothing. Exercise a little discretion and do not post any response to this post.

Thank you for your consideration.
  • VouxeTheMinotaur
    for anyone to be able to assist you on this, you would need to specify on not only what server, as you've said, but also platform you play on, example: for me, i play ESO on Playstation, North America, or PS/NA. It's very vital for people to know so they can find you and recruit you should they want to reach out to you to have you in their guild.

    secondly, having 5 guilds is not as complicated as it seems, believe me.

    you can still have loyalty to the guild you like that runs active content, or whatever your flavor at the time is, while using the remaining four slots for guilds that specialize in other areas of content. Example, my guild set up is this:

    Guild 1: Guild where most of my voluntary, but not required, item donations go to, such as motifs, fragments, etc. They are a social guild of people with similar humor, music taste, and where ive met a lot of now long-term friends. Not much of an content running guild, just a massive group of friends.
    Guild 2: Guild where everyone keeps to themselves and donates on their own to help the guildmaster afford a guild trader, in which we all post items to sell and it does rather well, this guild i consider to be my secondary income guild, sort of speak. there is no drama, barely chatting, no content ran other than maybe the occasional ask for help once in a blue moon, but other than that, the guild serves its purpose for me and many others, a trader guild.
    Guild 3: Guild where people roleplay the characters they've created. they host scheduled ahead events where participation is not mandatory, and do not require anyone to be a part of the guilds created roleplay story. I joined this guild because the guildmaster is a novelist and published a couple of fantasy books, i enjoy her story-telling in game by using other people's created backgrounds and characters.
    Guild 4: Main Guild where i am an officer and assist the guildmaster alongside other officers to coordinate trial and dungeon exposure runs, achievement runs, etc. to help out guildmates. this guild is where most of my time is spent as i am in charge of dungeon content.
    Guild 5: a guild that has quite literally been founded about a month ago filled with maybe 20 low cp players. i joined this to support them and help them understand dungeon content after they've excitedly wanted me to join after a vet dungeon run. it goes well when i'm "off the clock" from guild 4 and keeps me busy, plus it's nice to help smaller guilds get their foot in the door.

    in short, not every guild needs to be endgame, content, hardmode, etc. There is a VAST number of guilds in the game that offer an even wider range of specialties, focus, content, and offers, it's just hard to see that since ESO does not have a proper guild finder where you can search in depth or be correctly specific, at least in my opinion.

    with everything you've said in your post, there's definitely guilds that can accommodate you. the best way to search, in my experience, is to type in zone chat and say " LF a new guild" "LF active guild" "LF social guild" etc and people will most likely link guilds, read their description, apply and try it out for a week or so. if you like it, keep trying it out further, if not, leave. theres no penalty for leaving guilds. coming to the forums to look for guilds is good way to start too, but we definitely need to know what platform you're on as well : )

    should you be on Playstation, I can recommend a few guilds for you that seem to meet your needs.

    [edited to add last sentence]
    Edited by VouxeTheMinotaur on July 19, 2024 5:53PM
    PS5/NA: Vouxe_
  • SilverBride
    Check the guild listings in game and see if any fit your play style and apply to them there. Hopefully you will find one that works for you.
  • TaSheen
    When you access the guild section in game, you can Browse Guilds, and select both a type of Activity and Play Style from the dropdown arrows on the boxes. Those should enable you to fine tune the list of guilds you see.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Ulvich
    I will be contacting you tomorrow, or you can contact me.

    - @Ulvich
    Edited by Ulvich on July 20, 2024 12:28PM
    - BETA Group: 85 b 9
    - Monster Slayer
    - Savior of Nirn
    - Adventurer Across a Decade
    - Hit hard. Hit Fast. Hit Often.
  • Horace-Wimp
    for anyone to be able to assist you on this, you would need to specify on not only what server, as you've said, but also platform you play on, example: for me, i play ESO on Playstation, North America, or PS/NA. It's very vital for people to know so they can find you and recruit you should they want to reach out to you to have you in their guild...

    Point taken. My apologies for not considering this detail. I admit I assumed because I mentioned the MMO Rift which is a PC only game anyone reading would naturally conclude that I play ESO also on PC. I was wrong to assume this and sincerely thank you for pointing out my mistake. Once upon a time I also played consoles in addition to PC but stopped due to all their limitations.

    I play ESO via Steam on PC North America only. I used to play Rift and other MMOs on every PC server available but will NOT being playing ESO that way.

  • redlink1979
    If you need I can send you an invite to any of the guilds I'm part of.
    Essentially the mote in all of them is "you play as you want"
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother | VforVendetta | Grownups Gaming EU | English Elders [PS][EU] 2360 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest | Eternal Champions | Legacy | Tamriel Melting Pot [PS][NA] 2190 CP
    • SweetTrolls | Spring Rose | Daggerfall Royal Legion | Tinnitus Delux [PC][EU] 2345 CP
    • Bacon Rats | Silverlight Brotherhood | Canis Root Tea Party | Vincula Doloris [PC][NA] 2090 CP
  • Horace-Wimp
    Just an update on my ongoing quest for a guild and issues with selfish players in group content.

    The problem with selfish players rushing ahead in normal random dungeons leaving me and other players to die repeatedly and then just give up continues to be the #1 reason I am not getting my daily dungeon run and why I end up just logging off for the day. I have more enjoyable things to do with my time than wait in queues just to get ONE dungeon completed. Which brings me to my guild hunt.

    I mentioned in guild chat of the guild I was in how sick I was of having my time wasted by these selfish players every day and EVERY single guild member that responded attacked and blamed me for having a problem with players treating group content as their own little solo event. I found most of their comments very ignorant and toxic - caught me completely off guard. I did not expect such vitriol from this guild that had been more or less very good to me. I wish them well. I have since left that guild and joined another. I have had no interaction with my new guild yet. I have asked to join other guilds but had not heard back from them as of my last login.

    Unless something special or dramatic happens I will not update this thread again. I think I have found the relevant answers I was looking for. I expect to continue playing ESO a little more in the months ahead but, as of now I don't expect to stay with it. ESO IS fun but it has not been turning out to be as fun as I would like it to be. I think it is safe to say that the MMO Rift spoiled me with ALL the various ways to play and ALL he freedoms it had to offer. And since Rift is a DEAD game I'll take what little fun I can where I can in ESO until I find a better MMO more to my liking.

    Thank you for your many responses and kind words. I hope to bump into you in the game. ESO truly has some of the best and most helpful people for an MMO. Reminds me of EverQuest back in the day.
  • Aurielle
    The problem with selfish players rushing ahead in normal random dungeons leaving me and other players to die repeatedly and then just give up continues to be the #1 reason I am not getting my daily dungeon run and why I end up just logging off for the day. I have more enjoyable things to do with my time than wait in queues just to get ONE dungeon completed. Which brings me to my guild hunt.

    I mentioned in guild chat of the guild I was in how sick I was of having my time wasted by these selfish players every day and EVERY single guild member that responded attacked and blamed me for having a problem with players treating group content as their own little solo event. I found most of their comments very ignorant and toxic - caught me completely off guard. I did not expect such vitriol from this guild that had been more or less very good to me. I wish them well. I have since left that guild and joined another. I have had no interaction with my new guild yet. I have asked to join other guilds but had not heard back from them as of my last login.

    Sometimes, the way you say something is more important than WHAT you say… There’s two sides to every story. You may find that a lot of your former guild mates try to finish dungeons as fast as possible because they have limited time to play, so being called “selfish” may have rubbed them the wrong way.

    A better approach might have been:

    “Hey guys! Anyone want to run a normal dungeon? I’d prefer a slower run, if that’s OK. I find I die a lot when people rush ahead, so if any of you want to do a run where we kill all the adds, I’d be game!”

    Versus a rant out of the blue where you call anyone who speed runs dungeons “selfish” players who waste your time.
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