Nobility in Decay

The set does not consistently proc Beautiful Corpse, despite being in combat and well past the cooldown.
  • Shadowbinder7
    Please can you explain further? I was thinking of farming this for stamcro pvp
  • propertyOfUndefined
    The set is supposed to proc 2 effects when you use a bone tyrant ability while in combat. I have the set "backbarred" and proc it using necrotic potency. It works maybe 4 out of 5 times -- despite the cooldown being over and being in combat. I can't find a pattern, so all I can say os that it's terribly inconsistent and doesn't proc when you expect it to.

    I was tempted to keep using it despite this bug because I like the purple glow, but eventually got fed up and swapped it out.
    Edited by propertyOfUndefined on June 26, 2024 2:14AM
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