Agreed. Coincidentally, I happened to finish the Mages Guild quest line on one character, just before doing the scribing quest line on another character, and guess who appeared in both?
StarOfElyon wrote: »Agreed. Coincidentally, I happened to finish the Mages Guild quest line on one character, just before doing the scribing quest line on another character, and guess who appeared in both?
I did the mage's guild quest so many years ago I don't remember much of it anymore. Do you meanShalidor?
tsaescishoeshiner wrote: »I agree--it's the first quest other than Ember's additional quests that I would consider replaying. I just loved the vibes and mystery and mission behind it. It felt so good to learn about Ulfsild and her mission.
I like what motivated the player--curiosity, building relationships, and discovering power. I would just love more questlines like that.
DenverRalphy wrote: »Agree whole heartedly.
I really liked Votary Nahlia as a character. So much so, I wish she could be a Companion in game. =D
StarOfElyon wrote: »I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. It did get a little repetitive sometimes but that wasn't too bad. I'm not sure if I'd want to repeat it more than once but that doesn't take away from it. I loved learning about Ulfsild (even in the lorebooks laying around). The luminaries were cool and interesting. I also think the dialogue has been a step up this time. I haven't played the main Gold Road quest yet but I already feel rewarded for buying the chapter. It definitely feels like the best quest I've played since Summerset.
AvalonRanger wrote: »Not so enjoyable, except conversation with new NPC character.
Gold Road is good enough for me, but I hate Scribing contents
Those type of game design is really dated style, and still feel like
tiring grinding work over and over. ZOS had better respect player's time
and chance more
DenverRalphy wrote: »Agree whole heartedly.
I really liked Votary Nahlia as a character. So much so, I wish she could be a Companion in game. =D
Araneae6537 wrote: »AvalonRanger wrote: »Not so enjoyable, except conversation with new NPC character.
Gold Road is good enough for me, but I hate Scribing contents
Those type of game design is really dated style, and still feel like
tiring grinding work over and over. ZOS had better respect player's time
and chance more
So you enjoyed the scribing questline but not the grind for ink and/or scripts, is that correct?
katanagirl1 wrote: »I am confused. I feel like I am not playing ESO anymore. I am in a children’s game.
katanagirl1 wrote: »I am confused. I feel like I am not playing ESO anymore. I am in a children’s game.
I get what you mean. The whole questline has something strangely "not TES" about it. Of course there's new background lore on established characters like Ulfsild and Shalidor, and we have typical Tamrielic creatures, but the whole atmosphere is different somehow. To me it has (and that was probably even intended) something fairytale- and fable-like about it (and maybe a touch of Harry Potter). It's unthreatening, relatively lighthearted, we have screechy "funny" characters like the netch and the fox that sound like out of a children's cartoon, and then that moral part in the end... As I said: Fairytale, with you as the good hero.
This is indeed something I found a bit strange. The new dialogues and lore books were very well-written, the conclusion of the story wasn't bad either - in itself. But it felt like some different story unrelated to ESO.
Same goes for the ending of the main quest, btw.:Put simple: With joined powers, Mora, Ithelia and you end the threat by bringing her to a different realm. Positive ending in a way because she, who hasn't deliberately wanted to cause harm, isn't "killed"/punished, but she makes and participates in the decision herself, and then leaves into another world without magic to live happily ever after as something like a mortal. As I said: Fairytale.A beautiful ending if it was a stand-alone story unrelated to TES (actually TES makes it even less idyllic because it causes quite some questions about the things happening - but I actually think the writers had about that in mind what I wrote in the spoiler).
But back to topic: The repetitiveness of tasks, the (for me) too cliché funny characters with their cliché voices, and the assumption what you play a very ethic character, are the few things I disliked about the scribing questline. That it wasn't "typical TES" - it's noticeable, but I'm not sure if it bothers me that much, as there have always been differences in atmosphere between the chapters (very noticeable if you, for example, compare Summerset, Blackwood and High Isle). Music was super, as always. Visually - well, they recycled Summerset assets, but I found I nice nonetheless. Okay, the Gryphon looking like it was made of plastic was a bit unfortunate... The writing in itself was a positive surprise, after what we got in High Isle. Overall, I'm personally okay with the questline, I guess.