II EMPIRE II Guild is Recruting - Aldmeri Dominion

II EMPIRE II guild is recruting !!!

At the moment we are already 48 members in guild !!!

Objective is reach the top in PvP and PvE

We have website, forum, ts, live chat in website, and a lot of things...

If someone is interested to join let me know or register directly in the website and i will give you access to the member area.



The guild will be international withouth restrictions and we will be one of the top guild in the game !!!

Thank you !

My history:

Elder Scrolls Online II...EMPIRE...II Leader http://www.empiree.webs.com
AoC II..EMPIRE..II^Leader^CITY TOP LVL^Chrystempero
NFSW Chrystemperor lvl 25/rating 1.65 // Voyage Century: ChrystTheEmperor^Pirate King^TOP EQUIP^TOP SHIPS (TOP 1 World Guild Director) // Dark & Light: ChrystTheEmperor^Dark^>>> EMPIRE <<<^Leader // Pirates of Burning Sea: Chryst TheEmperor^Pirate 50 TOP EQUIP^TOP SHIPS // DAOC: scout 50 RR 9L8 ML 10 CL 10 horse 15 P TOP EQUIP (TOP 10 world guild leader) // Star Wars Galaxies: Jedi 90 Lava Crystal TOP EQUIP Chimaera // Guild Wars: ranger 20 all game skills (normal + elite) TOP EQUIP // Lineage 2: Duelist 80 TOP EQUIP // Travian2 TOP 100 (TOP 10 guild leader) // Ogame TOP 200 4 moon (TOP 10 guild leader)
II...EMPIRE...II Guild Leader ( Elder Scrolls Online )

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MY HISTORY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Elder Scrolls Online II...EMPIRE...II Leader http://www.empiree.webs.com
AoC II..EMPIRE..II^Leader^CITY TOP LVL^Chrystempero
NFSW Chrystemperor lvl 25/rating 1.65 // Voyage Century: ChrystTheEmperor^Pirate King^TOP EQUIP^TOP SHIPS (TOP 1 World Guild Director) // Dark & Light: ChrystTheEmperor^Dark^>>> EMPIRE <<<^Leader // Pirates of Burning Sea: Chryst TheEmperor^Pirate 50 TOP EQUIP^TOP SHIPS // DAOC: scout 50 RR 9L8 ML 10 CL 10 horse 15 P TOP EQUIP (TOP 10 world guild leader) // Star Wars Galaxies: Jedi 90 Lava Crystal TOP EQUIP Chimaera // Guild Wars: ranger 20 all game skills (normal + elite) TOP EQUIP // Lineage 2: Duelist 80 TOP EQUIP // Travian2 TOP 100 (TOP 10 guild leader) // Ogame TOP 200 4 moon (TOP 10 guild leader)
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