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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
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losing UI when depositing to bank and next item is a grimoire

im using gamepad mode, and just depositing and withdrawing items and going down my inventory. when I deposit/withdrawing something, but the next item is grimoire, when item is deposited, I lose the banking UI, which appears empty.

getting the following error:

/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_PlatformUtils.lua:119: Attempt to access a private function 'IsInUI' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_PlatformUtils.lua:119: in function 'ZO_IsIngameUI'
/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Tooltip/ItemTooltips.lua:1053: in function 'ZO_Tooltip:LayoutCraftedAbilityItem'
<Locals> self = ud, itemLink = "|H0:item:204492:124:50:0:0:0:0...", itemName = "Grimoire: Soul Burst" </Locals>
/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Tooltip/ItemTooltips.lua:1689: in function 'layoutFunction'
<Locals> self = ud, itemLink = "|H0:item:204492:124:50:0:0:0:0...", creatorName = "", itemName = "Grimoire: Soul Burst", extraData = [table:1]{slotIndex = 60, bagId = 1} </Locals>
/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Tooltip/ItemTooltips.lua:1721: in function 'ZO_Tooltip:LayoutItem'
<Locals> self = ud, itemLink = "|H0:item:204492:124:50:0:0:0:0...", equipped = F, creatorName = "", forceFullDurability = F, itemName = "Grimoire: Soul Burst", equipSlot = -1, showPlayerLocked = F, extraData = [table:1], isValidItemLink = T, itemType = 72, layoutFunction = /EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Tooltip/ItemTooltips.lua:1689 </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_Hook.lua:38: in function '(anonymous)'
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
/EsoUI/Common/ZO_Tooltip/Gamepad/ZO_Tooltip_Gamepad.lua:32: in function 'LayoutFunction'
<Locals> self = [table:2]{currentLayoutFunctionName = "LayoutBagItem"}, tooltipType = "GAMEPAD_LEFT_TOOLTIP", tooltipContainer = ud, tooltipContainerTip = ud, tooltipFunction = /EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Tooltip/ItemTooltips.lua:1774, tooltipInfo = [table:3]{defaultAutoShowBg = T, resetScroll = T, scrollIndicatorSide = 8, bgType = 1, autoShowBg = T} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/Banking/Gamepad/BankingCommon_Gamepad.lua:774: in function 'ZO_BankingCommon_Gamepad:LayoutBankingEntryTooltip'
<Locals> self = [table:4]{updateCooldownMS = 0, dirty = F, addListTriggerKeybinds = F, searchFilterType = 1, activateOnShow = F, searchContext = "playerBankTextSearch", isInitialized = F, initialized = T, carriedBag = 1, mode = 2}, inventoryData = [table:5]{slotType = 35, showBarEvenWhenUnselected = T, subLabelTemplate = "ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTem...", text = "Grimoire: Soul Burst", uniqueId = 7.8386251027737e+18, enabled = T, bagId = 1, slotIndex = 60, cooldownIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/item_grimoire...", fontScaleOnSelection = F, header = "Grimoire", alphaChangeOnSelection = F, numIcons = 1} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/Banking/Gamepad/Banking_Gamepad.lua:411: in function 'ZO_GamepadBanking:LayoutBankingEntryTooltip'
<Locals> self = [table:4], inventoryData = [table:5] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/Banking/Gamepad/BankingCommon_Gamepad.lua:764: in function 'ZO_BankingCommon_Gamepad:OnTargetChanged'
<Locals> self = [table:4], list = [table:6]{defaultSelectedIndex = 1, noItemsText = "Your inventory is empty.", handleDynamicViewProperties = F, validGradientDirty = T, headerDefaultPadding = 80, oldSelectedDataTemplate = "ZO_GamepadIt

/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_PlatformUtils.lua:119: Attempt to access a private function 'IsInUI' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 4 stack frame(s) from the top.
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_PlatformUtils.lua:119: in function 'ZO_IsIngameUI'
/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Tooltip/ItemTooltips.lua:1053: in function 'ZO_Tooltip:LayoutCraftedAbilityItem'
<Locals> self = ud, itemLink = "|H0:item:204492:124:50:0:0:0:0...", itemName = "Grimoire: Soul Burst" </Locals>
/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Tooltip/ItemTooltips.lua:1689: in function 'layoutFunction'
<Locals> self = ud, itemLink = "|H0:item:204492:124:50:0:0:0:0...", creatorName = "", itemName = "Grimoire: Soul Burst", extraData = [table:1]{slotIndex = 60, bagId = 1} </Locals>
/EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Tooltip/ItemTooltips.lua:1721: in function 'ZO_Tooltip:LayoutItem'
<Locals> self = ud, itemLink = "|H0:item:204492:124:50:0:0:0:0...", equipped = F, creatorName = "", forceFullDurability = F, itemName = "Grimoire: Soul Burst", equipSlot = -1, showPlayerLocked = F, extraData = [table:1], isValidItemLink = T, itemType = 72, layoutFunction = /EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Tooltip/ItemTooltips.lua:1689 </Locals>
/EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_Hook.lua:38: in function '(anonymous)'
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
/EsoUI/Common/ZO_Tooltip/Gamepad/ZO_Tooltip_Gamepad.lua:32: in function 'LayoutFunction'
<Locals> self = [table:2]{currentLayoutFunctionName = "LayoutBagItem"}, tooltipType = "GAMEPAD_LEFT_TOOLTIP", tooltipContainer = ud, tooltipContainerTip = ud, tooltipFunction = /EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/Tooltip/ItemTooltips.lua:1774, tooltipInfo = [table:3]{bgType = 1, scrollIndicatorSide = 8, resetScroll = T, defaultAutoShowBg = T, autoShowBg = T} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/Banking/Gamepad/BankingCommon_Gamepad.lua:774: in function 'ZO_BankingCommon_Gamepad:LayoutBankingEntryTooltip'
<Locals> self = [table:4]{carriedBag = 1, dirty = F, searchContext = "playerBankTextSearch", initialized = T, searchFilterType = 1, updateCooldownMS = 0, mode = 2, isInitialized = F, addListTriggerKeybinds = F, activateOnShow = F}, inventoryData = [table:5]{cooldownIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/item_grimoire...", fontScaleOnSelection = F, alphaChangeOnSelection = F, slotIndex = 60, slotType = 35, showBarEvenWhenUnselected = T, subLabelTemplate = "ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTem...", header = "Grimoire", bagId = 1, enabled = T, numIcons = 1, text = "Grimoire: Soul Burst", uniqueId = 7.8386251027737e+18} </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/Banking/Gamepad/Banking_Gamepad.lua:411: in function 'ZO_GamepadBanking:LayoutBankingEntryTooltip'
<Locals> self = [table:4], inventoryData = [table:5] </Locals>
/EsoUI/Ingame/Banking/Gamepad/BankingCommon_Gamepad.lua:764: in function 'ZO_BankingCommon_Gamepad:OnTargetChanged'
<Locals> self = [table:4], list = [table:6]{anchorOppositeSide = F, enabled = T, minOffset = 0, validGradientDirty = T, maxOffset = 40, centerDampingFactor = 0, handleDynamicViewProperties = F, alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeigh


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