Strange Bug(?) with the Inkfur Ursauk Mount

Not sure if this applies to all mounts, but I've noticed with the Inkfur Ursauk Mount that when i begin to sprint, as usual the mount does a roar and my character does the "charge forward" pointing ahead, but instead of doing it just the once, it does it quite literally every second on the dot, without me tapping spring again. just as long as the mount recognizes I'm sprinting, it roars, and my character keeps pointing forward after every roar. this also happens to the voideater durzog mount and its beginning sprint animation.

It was funny to hear the constant roaring / barking, but now, yeah... believe it or not I've been kicked out of a trial because of it, the leader thought I was trolling while he was explaining mechs during the ride to the bridge.
PS5/NA: Vouxe_
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