So, can we complete the Scribing meta-achievement “Inheritor of the Scholarium” and unlock the multirider horse with this? The new chapter Gold Road is also included in the free trial or not?
Official Discussion Thread for "Try Out ESO Plus For Free To Enjoy Unlimited Crafting Storage, DLC Access & More"
This is the official discussion thread for, "Welcome the arrival of Gold Road with access to DLCs such as Scribes of Fate, Scions of Ithelia, and more with an ESO Plus™ free trial!"
Aerius_Sygale wrote: »Though appreciated any time this comes up, it is a little annoying that it ends almost immediately after the launch of the Gold Road Chapter, for people who play on the actual video gaming consoles... Well, it will just be preparational before it unlocks, mostly, I guess, not for while ON the new journey.
new chapters aren't included in eso plus though