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Zurgo Helmsmasher of the Iron Orcs.

Soul Shriven
Warning this story contains graphic content not suitable for children!

Red Cliffs
The Hunt!

Zurgo's story is not a pleasant one. The legend of this Orsimer is well renowned by many orcs far and wide. *A Veil of invisible fabric get pulled over you.* Craglorn! Grahhh! The sound of swords clanking and two orcs sparing fill the air. The two Orsimer are tall and large. One of them has pale skin and the other Dark Grey. The Pale Orc is Zurgo Helmsmasher and the other is Smush, Zurgo's brother. The two are south of the Thunder Bluffs. Here it is hot, the ground hard with compacted sand and large rocks everywhere. There is some vegetation and trees far from between but able to strive. This savanna is the home of the Iron Orcs. Zurgo's father whose name has long since been forgotten was the chief. He was a good chief loved by his clan. While the two oheneba are training there is a tremble in the ground that starts to build. Redguards by horseback trot around the winding roads of Sandy Path. Their fine clothes of purple, light purple, red reflect brightly in the sun. Zurgo walks over to a log where he laid his maul and gear down. He then swings his maul over his right shoulder. Smush grabs his other sword and they both look at the Redguards who trot closer and closer to them.

You! There! Yells One of the Redguards. You two are trespassing! All Orcs must stay behind their boundaries, Designated in Skyrim. Says one of the Redguards. This land is our land, as it has always. Replies Smush. Yeah, so if I were you, I would turn around before you hurt yourself. Says Zurgo. They are met with laughter. The Redguards recovering from their laugh say, you are dehydrated, and the sun is playing games with your head. What is your name? ask one of the Redguards. Zurgo Helmsmasher replies Zurgo. Well then Zurgo. You find yourself into a quite the dilemma. I am Amir says the Redguard. Leave now or die says Amir. Both Zurgo and Smush instantly get into fighting stance. Amir signals three of his guards to attack the two Orcs. The Redguards start riding the 20 meters or so to Zurgo and Smush. Swinging their weapons in attempts to slash the two orcs. Zurgo blocks the slashes with his maul while Smush dodge rolls away from the charging Redguards. After several attempts to slash the Orcs and failing to land a strike, one of the Redguards dismounts. The other two still circling Zurgo and Smush charge in. Zurgo strikes one off his horse with one sheer blow. Smush then starts Combat with the dismounted Redguard. Ahh so you think you can fight. says the Redguard to Smush. Smush and the Redguard begin to circle each other. Grah! Smush swings with his swords at the Redguard. However, using his spear the Redguard is able to bat away the slashes and manage to keep a safe distance from Smush. Zurgo knocking the Redguard off his horse quickly then swings his maul again and this time hits the Redguard on the ground right in the face causing instant death. Amir then signals for the five Redguards to assist the two remaining.

The five Redguard riders then charge towards Zurgo. Zurgo then fixes himself preparing for the assault. However, four other Iron Orcs arrived riding kagouti and charged into the opposing Redguards. Their kagouti horns just ram right into the Redguard horses knocking the riders off. One of the bodyguards did not survive the charge but three of the Redguards had been seriously injured. Zurgo, Smush and the other orcs then started to make quick work of the remaining Redguards. Smush then taunts Amir and yells to him. Fight me you Coward! Amir flees leaving his fallen and wounded bodyguards. Zurgo walks over to one of the wounded Redguards. This one had his leg impaled by a kagouti. Zurgo places his maul over the wound then starts to let the weight of the Maul sit on it. He then crouches and leaves the maul on the wound. The Redguards grabs his leg and screams in agony. Tell me about your coward master says Zurgo. The Redguard breathing heavily and face cringed in pain says what do you want to know? Are you invading? Zurgo ask. Na-no replies the Redguard. We are a hunting party. Prince Amir just thought it would be fun to kick you off your land. Please do not kill me. Zurgo then puts all his weight on his maul in order to rise up to his feet. AHHHHHHHHH!

No Free Meals.

Trot, trot, trot, open the Gates you fools the rider shouts. The guard from the tower left of the gates sees Prince Amir riding his horse through the East gate of Hollin's Stand. There is a lot of gossip. the Prince rides up to the palace and immediately goes inside. The prince walks into his father Muhammed's throne room. What is the matter? You have returned alone without the meat for the feast tonight. Says Muhammed. I was attacked by orcs replies Amir. Come my son. says the king. If they have attacked you then has to be an explanation. Did you identify yourself and pay the gold for hunting in Orc lands? ask the king. Yes, replies Amir. I presented the gold and said, I am prince Amir son of Muhammed here to barter for some game.

Oh, my son says the Queen. See! look at what those foul creatures have done to my son. Are you ok? Ask the Queen of price Amir. I am fine mother says Amir. Those Orcs in Craglorn are turning out to be more of a trouble than we thought. says Amed brother of Amir and the Second born. Amed the Second born was a strong Redguard and a CPT in the army Gilded Lotus. Never the less we must not give up on peace between Redguards and Orcs. says the King. Amir storms off and the eldest son Sai Sensi walks into the room. Father would it not be prudent to offer their Chief an offering of friendship. The Iron Orcs leader is not without reason. says Sai. Then it is done. We will send some Barley Ale Wine to their Chief and some baskets of fine linens. If we expect to make happy the imperials and allow to continue trade with the Nords it’s imperative to secure the route through Craglorn.

After the king’s deliberation the king’s servants start to execute the kings plan. Amir hears people moving around the outside of his room and comes out to see what is the commotion . He then finds out about the plan to appease the Orcs by asking one of the servants. Amir did not like this as he feels he was made a fool of and then thinks of how he can become a hero to his father and get everything he ever wanted. He then runs down to the kitchen and sees the servants collecting the wine. He then runs to one of the servants. Tell the stable master to not let the caravan leave without speaking with me. says Amir. He then takes off running out of the palace into the market area.

In the Market Place Amir is running around looking for the apothecary. He then finds one and immediately starts to ask him about poisons. Yes, your highness. says the Merchant. He then says please do not touch this poison. It comes from Spitting Sand Scorpions. Perfect replies Amir. He then gives the merchant the bag of gold he kept from the hunt. Amir then runs back to the palace and sees the caravan almost about to leave.

Wait! says Amir. He then walks to the caravan guide and slips him a note. He then goes to the back of the caravan and drops the poison into the wine. Only one servant saw what he had done. He then says, never mind. The king then walks out of the palace to see off the goods. Amir walks up to his father with the biggest smile and ask what's going on? We are sending gifts to the Orcs of Craglorn to help build our relationship. says the king. Well I'm sure they'll see it our way says Amir. Amir walks inside and sees his brother Amed. Amed says you’re up to something. Me? says Amir. Why would I be up to any trouble? I disagree strongly with father, especially since I almost lost my life today. Says Amir. Leave your brother alone. Says the Queen. She then takes Amir's hand and walks the great hall with him. Amed looks at him conspicuously. Knowing without knowing Amir’s true nature.

Feast and Revels.

In the distance you can hear it. the drums of the Iron Orcs. 6 horses pulling a carriage closer and closer. What appears to be an abandoned fortress starts to get brighter and brighter the closer you get from all the torches. Gundabad. From its exterior you can see that this fortress was built to last the ages. Red in appearance, it stands tall and the area around it is barren. Later after its destruction, it would be raised to the ground, dismantled and would be unidentifiable but known as Spellscar. The Grunts of orcs get louder and louder. Then a Horn Sounds. That which could only be described as a screech from dying whisp mother. The large iron doors open slowly and open just enough that the carriage can fit through then close behind it.

The carriage comes to a stop and the Redguards bringing the gifts dismount. Immediately the Iron Orcs begin to search the Redguards for weapons. After they find no weapons goblins and lesser orcs start to look at the carriage curious as to what was brought. Gro-dan yells at the scavengers and says this is for chief. A quick slide of hand between Gro-dan and the caravan guide happens. Gro-dan then reads the message and looks at the caravan guide. The door opens behind them and the caravan backs out of the fortress.

The Halls of Gundabad have three large pillars inside. These three pillars resemble the three pillars of the Irons Orcs. The first pillar is the Chieftain who is the absolute leader of the clan and Zurgo's Father. The second is the Warchief and leader of the Gundabad armies. The last is the Shaman, who is the religious leader.

The hall is blistering with stories about great victories. Many Orcs show off their greatest wounds with each other and the stories associated. The three thrones sit in the back of the great hall. Zurgo's father sitting in his throne is drinking Malt Beer has several SheOrcs on him messaging his muscles. The Warchief is in contest with several large Orcs, one Ogre and two trolls in a drinking contest. The Shaman was not present.

Zurgo walks into the great hall with his brother Smush. Smush walks over to grab some mead and Zurgo walks right over to his father's side. Redguards are pushing our boundaries. says Zurgo. They are but maggots says Zurgo's Father. The Hall doors swing open and the caravan goods begin to make their way into the hall. Zurgo's father says what’s this!? We have received offerings from the Sand Nation replies Gro-dan. You see? They know their place. Says Zurgo's father. While Zurgo is speaking with his father Smush starts arm wrestling. Gro-dan calls over one of the lesser Orcs and whispers to him. The lesser Orc then lift a keg and brings it over to the throne. Zurgo then gets surrounded by Orcish women. The keg remains untapped. The lesser Orc open the keg and pours a glass for the Chieftain. Zurgo grabs the cup from the Orc and kicks him as to get away from the chief. One of the SheOrcs grabs the goblet from Zurgo. where are you going? Zurgo says. hehehe, she laughs. Zurgo starts chasing the SheOrc around while being chased by two others being piggy backing yet another two SheOrcs. Zurgo finally catches the one with the Chiefs gobbet. Zurgo grabs the goblet and then the piggyback brigade runs right into him. The goblet spills over. Zurgo then now laying down on the ground begins to start having the SheOrcs tug on him. Zurgo begins to start taking them all down in a rigorous manner that would arose any in company.

Smush the undefeated arm wrestle champion walks over to his father and says Chief, I drink to you. He then fills a mug and then brings the mug to his mouth. The sweat of this ice-cold ale is rolling off the side of the mug. Right when Smush is about to take a drink of the ale someone get pushed into Smush causing Smush to spill out the drink. Smush then begins to start fighting the other Orcs. With all the fighting going on Gro-dan starts moving closer to the chieftain. Gro-dan finally makes it over to the keg and then pours another drink. Then hands it over to the Chieftain. Scamps crawl up the tapestries and chains that hang above. The chieftain stands up. the rest of the Orcs become quiet and Zurgo emerges victorious from the savage suicide girls. He walks over to his father and the room raises their Mugs. The Chief says, "Blood for our enemies, Steel for our Clan". He drinks the whole mug. Zurgo and the clan drink. But from the ale of their own distilleries.

A Dish Served Cold.

Grah! Orcs yell out in cheers to the chieftain. The chieftain then sits back down. Smush returns to his father’s left side. As Zurgo was on the right. Smush tells his father Tomorrow I leave for Orsinium. Take with you this sword. It is the Dagger of Torment. Whisper to it and cause instant torment to your enemy most thought of and in view. Says the Chieftain. It is an ancient enchantment. The king then feels a knot in his throat. He then clears his throat. Suddenly the kings starts to puke up blood uncontrollable until his death. Zurgo sees the lesser Orc who poured the first goblet. He grabs one of them and says you better start talking. The lesser Orc in complete confusion says, I don't know. Gro-dan starts backing up to the nearest exit, seeing Zurgo grab his minion. Smush sees Gro-dan backing up and says, I have a bone to pick with you. The lesser Orc in absolute terror is about to squeal when all of a sudden, he starts to puke up blood too. when the room refocused on Gro-dan he had already left the room. Get him you fools, says The Warchief Gro-dan runs to the window and sends a Crow away with a message.

In hot pursuit of Gro-dan the clan will surely torture him for any and all answers. He runs down the south staircase. He gets to the bottom and the door swings open. It hits a Orc and knocks over some others. a fight begins to break out in the courtyard. Coming down the staircase there is the light of torches rushing down. Gro-dan then yells at the gate keeper to open the gate. While running he pushes and knocks over other orcs on his way to the gate. The Gate keeper opens the door. Smush who was the first behind Gro-dan yells for the gate to be closed. Gro-dan mounts up and flees Gundabad on his Dire Wolf. He makes it out just in time before the Door closes. Back at the fortress the Orcs are seeing to their Chieftain.

The Following day there is the ceremony of Chieftain. Zurgo has to accept the challenge of Chieftain to become clan chieftain. Smush says I accept your challenge. They both fight to the brink of death. Zurgo knocks Smush out and then is crowned the victor. This allows Oheneba to continue the trial of Chieftain. Zurgo's First act is to honor his father by seeking answers rather than blood. He sends the Shaman, Smush and four 11 others to find the coward Gro-dan and task them to bring him back to the castle for retribution. The 13 Orcs gather their things and prepare their Kagouti. Gro-dan by this time had reached a hideaway. This hideaway houses the East Road Bandits. Once the 13 set out the Shaman speaks to the wind which then blows a breeze towards the person of question. So, they follow the wind. The day is hot and the Orsimer begin to feel fatigue by the sweltering sun. Gro-dan confident that he would never be found begins to get comfortable. The 13 Orcs ride up to a cliff that over watches the Great East Road and the shaman can see that the wind is blowing towards Scorpion Ravine in southern Craglorn.

The 13 dismount and make way towards the ravine. the wind is blowing, and the sand starts to pick up. So much so you cannot see anything beyond 5 meters. They reach a mine door and knock. Who is there? says the guard. The Shaman holds his hand up as to tell everyone to not say anything. The Shaman says we were out raiding a caravan and knew this was the only shelter for miles. 200g pieces says the guard. the Shaman gives him the gold and then the entrance is open. The Orcs walk in casually. The guard has no reason to question further as the shaman was able to hide his face and the others just looked the part. Once they walk down you can hear music and there are bandits, smugglers, and outlaws of all sorts at this refuge. The 13 go over to some tables and wait for any sign of Gro-dan. Smush looks around and starts to begin to get impatient. Hey what’s the matter there? One of the outlaws says, where’s the beer? Replies Smush.

Gro-dan leaning over the railing from the VIP area of the mine is talking to another Orc. The Orc he speaks with says you did what? shhhh says Gro-dan. One of the strongest orcs in the land has fallen to me. Once the 13 begin to start to notice where he was, they begin to branch out around the bar. Refuge if filled with fights, conversations, drinking contest, arm wrestling, rock throwing. Gold is flying all over the place for drinks and bids. Smush leaves his face covered along with the shaman. However, he never loses at arm wrestle and couldn’t resist a challenge. Soon others start to take notice calling forth the best there is. Gro-dan then gets called by the miscreants of the mine. He then starts to make his down from the VIP. More money and wagers he exclaims. I got 500 pieces. Says a smuggler. I got 700 says another. The crowed is going wild. Gro-dan Sits down in front of Smush. Are you ready little goat? says Gro-dan. Smush holds his arm out for Gro-dan to grab. Gro-dan grabs Smush's hand and they begin. Gro-dan and Smush arm wrestle the *** out of each other. Wanting back and forth. Smush toying with him allows him to get close to winning. He then decides to stop toying and smashed Gro-dan’s hand and breaking Grodan’s chair throwing him to the ground with the sheer might of his forearm. The winner is the mask bandit! Announces the bartender. Smush does not let go of Gro-dans hand however. Gro-dan then starts to try to shake his hand loose but it fails. A hand then is placed on Gro-dan's shoulder. Let me go he says. Smush lowers his mask and Gro-dan is in complete dread. Smush then crushes Gro-dans hand. Then the Shaman who had put his hand on Gro-dans Shoulder paralyzes him with mushgroom. Mushgroom is a poison that causes paralysis. The Shaman whispers in Gro-dans ear. The room draws their weapons. The Shaman says we are here for him. His gold is yours. Content with this the room lets them go. Gro-dan was no pushover however. Many people there owed him gold so were reluctant to let him be taken away. Smush and the other orcs shove Gro-dan into a box.

Returning to Gundabad the night of the day the left. They present the box to Zurgo. Inside was Gro-dan who had been cursed by the Shaman. The box gets smashed open and Gro-dan was eating himself. his arms were half eaten and flesh was hanging from his elbows. Zurgo walks up to him and looks at the Shaman. Can he hear me? he asks Gro-dan. Yes, my chief. Responds the Shaman. Zurgo says to Gro-dan. I’m going to release you from the curse, but you need to tell me what you know. If you do not talk then we will let you finish your meal. However, if you do talk we will give you a quick death. Release him Zurgo says to to the Shaman.

AHHHHHHHHH AH AH AH AHHHHHHHHH AH AH AHHHHH! Gro-dan is filled with extreme pain. He screams and the look on his face when he realized what he has been doing was of shock. Speak says Zurgo. Gro-dan says it is the Redguards as he quivers in agony. They brought us these gifts. says Gro-dan. What do you know? ask Zurgo. I received a note saying to give the chief the last barrel on the wagon. I didn’t know anything else. What about the note? ask Zurgo. What about the note says Gro-dan. The night you killed my father you had a crow take a note. Your note came back and with this. He throws a letter from Prince Amir. The note taunts the Orcs and thanks you for your service. It also says he was going to betray you anyways but wanted us to know who really killed the Iron Orcs Chief. Gro-dan immediately starts to plead for a quick death. Zurgo looks at the Warchief then walks out of the room. The Warchief then calls for the Boo Box. The Boo Box is a large chest that can fit as body into it and had openings to where you can drop scorpions into it while others yell into the box "Boo".

The following day Zurgo calls fourth the 7 armies. The Warchief sounds the Horn Maulock. From the Thunder Bluff the Iron Fist Warband, from Inazzur's Hold the Iron Legion, from the Under Tower the Blood Hound Pack, from the Proving Grounds the Black Hand, from the Reach and the Nadkaza, from Zalgaz's Den the Chipped tooth and from Serpents Nest Tribe Bloodtusk. The armies flood Gundabad. Many chiefs here to honor Zurgo. Zurgo steps onto a platform and yells out into Gundabad. I have seen this enemy close. We are superior. The Army Cheers grizzly. Man, Man from the desert have killed our Chief. This will not stand! To war! For our forefathers! For Glory! This is Our time! We will not be butchered by this world and forced to live in exile. We will not go quietly into the night! We are going to move on, we’re going to survive. Go with me to Bangkorai Gate. We will show them; we are Orcs and the wills of Orcs is not so easily broken! Three Horns Sound off. Crows start to swarm and follow above the Iron Orc Army.

Sing and Dance

Bangkorai! It is the next morning after the death of the Iron Orc Chief. Hallin’s Stand is busy as ever. Cabbages! Fresh cabbages! A women yells. 15, 15, and Sold. Hey, you want to buy a sundial? A man asks. Wearing a suspicious overcoat. Hey! Keep walking. Exclaims someone behind you. We suddenly get pushed into the square by human traffic. Stores were all full. Fine crafted jade, jewelry, linens, and fresh produce. A market extravagant in its experience.

Prince Amed is walking up the stairs to the palace wearing a white and blue tunic with gold trim. The Caravan returns from delivering the goods to the Iron Orcs. Amed goes inside. Walking back to his room he sees Amir. The caravan has returned says Amed. Amir smiles and says Are you confusing me for a stable boy? Amed says well you look like you could use some hard work. Amir bites down on his teeth to where his jaw muscles tense up. He thinks to himself. (You will not say stuff about me like that after you see I have killed a Chieftain.) Relax says Amed. We cannot all be great warriors and walks away while stretching his arm muscles. Amir walks into his room. On the table is the crow’s letter and next to it the letter Amir wrote to the Iron Orcs. He opens his window and sends the crow with both the letters. Knock, knock, knock. The door opens and Amir jumps down from his bed. His mother walks into the room. Are you ready? Ask the queen. You need to walk me into the ballroom. There will be many there and many of which are women who you can court. She licks her thumb and wipes the prince’s cheek.

Her majesty the Queen Suleni and Prince Amir. The herald announces. Pure elegance the queen. Her diamond white dress was large and her beauty that of goddesses. Amir holds his mother’s hand up bending his elbow and walks her across the dance floor and delivers her to his father the King. Everyone in the room is wearing elegant clothes. Vibrant colors. Pillows laying everywhere. Indoor water works and gold everywhere. The floor pure white marble. Prince Amir! Painters pull out sketch pads to get a quick pose from Amir. The girls all start going crazy. They all want to hug, kiss, and touch some ass. Amir walks into them like and disturbs their thoughts. He then starts to talk about himself and how grand he is.

One of the Kings Royal Guard walks over to the king and kneels and bows his head. It is extremely hard to understand what he is saying as he is an expert at talking without moving his lips. He then gets up and leaves. The king stands and the room gets quiet. Tonight, I want to say that I Love You my Queen and Happy Anniversary. He then has two tigers brought out and a giant bucket of baby panda bears. Dance! Dance! The king waives his hands gesturing to continue.

The next day Amed, Amir and several sleezy girlfriends found out they stole the kings tiger and got married and have someone’s chicken. Amed wakes up to Amir’s run of the mill snoring. He throws a pillow at Amir and hits him right in the face. After breakfast with the hottest women from the Alik’r desert. Amed’s physical trainer shows up and pulls him for the daily training. Amir gets ready to hit the market. The whole time he is anticipating the trouble he can start today. He grabs a bag of “coins.” These coins are fake of course. He leaves the palace and starts to make his way to the market where immediately he’s met with the poor and needing. Its is impossible to go into the into the market and common Redguard quarters without these peasants asking me for things he thinks to himself. So, he gives out the “coins.” And continues walking. He tosses out half the bag and gives the rest to a child who looked hungry and deprived of nutrients. The “coins” he threw hit the ground and even more children come to pick them up. Amir then begins to runs stepping on the kids fingers who were picking up the coins on his way.

Finally, at the marketplace. Churros! Churros! Quenepas! Quenepas! The poison dealer isn’t around right now. Words begin to form like whispers. Its hard to understand what is being said so Amir continues walking. There is now shade and people start to look like shadowy figures. A daedric portal begins to open and a wraith spawns our from it. Strong winds begin to blow towards the rift. Amir freezes in absolute terror. Suddenly a Redguard bald in appearance and wearing parachute pants starts using electricity to force the wraith back into the rift. The rift closes. The name is Teferi. Says the stranger. That is very strange. Very strange indeed. Says Teferi. What is strange ask Amir. Those wraiths only appear when there is a very dark entity around. They need to feed off its power. Responds Teferi. As you can see things here are handled so take a hike. Says Amir and Teferi walks away.

Amir finally finds the poison dealer and says, Have you heard? I killed the Iron Orc Chieftain. HaHa, the dealer laughs. You are either the ballsy person I have ever met or the dumbest. Says the dealer. That’s why I’m here. I cannot afford to have any loose ends. Then Amir stabs the dealer in his side with a snake curved dagger. The dealer flails his hands around and tries to fight for his life, but the first stab did it. Not to mention the 37 others that soon followed. Amir leaves soon after. His hands have blood on them, and he got one knot on his eyebrow from the dealer before he went out. He walks to the palace and once he gets there his mother comes over to him and says oh my god. They got my boy! She hugs him and her servants bring him to the infirmary.


It is Sunday. The Sun rises and it is beautiful out. From the top of the palace you can see glimmering sights of the countryside. Suddenly there is a bell rung. More bells begin to Ring. The King gets woken up abruptly. Sire! One of the guards say. We are at war sire. The king gets out of bed and gets ready.

In the throne room is the King Mohammed, Prince Sai, Prince Amed, several advisors and two Generals. About how long until they break through? Ask the King. We have until nightfall. We have brought 500 of our finest to the wall but they are strong sire. Says one of the generals. We need not worry about the wall says Sai. We need to strengthen defenses around the farmlands outside the city. An advisor interjects. Now how many can we expect from the king of Sentinel? Ask the King. About 3,000 spearmen. However, it will take one day for them to scale through the mountains from Satakalaam. If we get pushed back to the Palace it would take them 200 days to breach our walls. Plus, we would have the spearmen arriving. I say we kill them on the retreat. Says one of the generals. We should strike now. The room starts to get into a frenzy. The King then Says to gather the Gilded Lotus. My son Sai will lead these forces into the enemy front. I will join him. Says Amed. The King spots Amir walking by. You can join them. Amir who immediately says. Huh? And you are to go immediately. Says the King. Amed walks over and swings him arm over Amir and says. It’ll be fun.

The Gilded Lotus leave immediately riding past the Qharroa Ruins and Bangkorai Garrison which has been empted. From the New tower you can see the great Bangkorai Gate. It is massive. There you can hear thuds coming from the wall. On the other Side of the Wall in Shada’s Tear the Iron Orcs are encamped with their siege teams lighting up the gate. Trolls are winding up catapults and pushing a large bore like battering ram at the giant door. There are scamps everywhere and welwa. They have trolls in Nirncrux armor and the great legions of old. Ladders that were unsuccessful pile the base of the wall from oils and fire. The Warchief then signals for the flight teams. Goblins riding dirigibles take to the skies and hang gliders jump from Sky Reach which is extremely high in elevation and not too far from the gate. The goblins drop dynamite on the top of the wall blowing up the Redguard ballista and killing many archers. They also drop oils and fire. One of the dirigibles crashes into the wall causing a huge explosion and fire. The hang gliders go over the Redguards then dive into the Redguard forces below. Each goblin had six sticks of dynamite attached to them. The explosions could only be described as a sound as mighty as volcano eruptions.

The ram team gets ready and they start smashing the door open. The Redguards at the Gate were destroyed. The Gilded Lotus runs over to the gate and try to secure it. But it’s too late. The Door! Yells Amed. And the gate smashes open. Trolls enter with twin axes and spin like tornadoes decapitating anyone within range. Zurgo steps through the doorway then the army storms through. Just on the other side of the gate the road separates into two paths. The left road goes under the New Tower and the right takes you on the high road to Wethers’ Cleft. Immediately the bulk of the army goes left under the tower while the Iron Fist Warband moves to secure the New tower. They were immediately met with resistance from the Gilded Lotus. Arrows rain down on the Bangkorai gate from the New Tower. Zurgo sees Prince Amed. Amed was grabbed by royal guards to move on the battlefield. Zurgo Swings his Maul with great ferocity. He smashes any that come before him as if he were getting them out of the way. The Iron Fist Warband is fighting hard. Sai with his two khopesh is amazing in battle. Amed too is fighting with great valor. Zurgo herds the Iron Fist Warband Up the hill to the Tower. The Gilded Lotus are getting beat badly despite the esteem efforts of Sai and Amed. The three princes found themselves cut off. There are about 40 men with them at the New Tower. From the tower you can see the battle taking place below. The path to Wethers’ Cleft however is less defended as the majority of the Redguard force push the front and try to halt the advancement of the great legions. The Redguard are fighting so hard to reach the princes but cannot. Surrounding the princes the Orcs don’t attack. Wining this tower secures the gate for the Orcs.

Zurgo running forward jumps out from the Orcs in front of the Princes. Slay all the Guards yells Zurgo. Grah! Smush Jumps out and skewers a guardsman. The other guards get massacred by the Iron Fist Warband. Only the three princes remain. The wind starts blowing whisking sand into the air. Zurgo Grips his Maul with his right hand holding it on his right shoulder. Today you die princes. The Redguard will now know the true nature of Orcs. Zurgo gets into fighting stance. He kicks up sand up into Prince Sai’s eyes and swings his maul with full force. He smashes Prince Sai in his Head crushing his skull. Zurgo then grabs his maul with his right hand holding the handle close to the sledge side of his maul and his left hand toward the end of the handle. He then strikes Amed who was in shock as to what just happened to his brother Sai. The handle side of the maul hits him so hard it completely rips Amed’s jaw off his head. Amed falls to the ground. All that is left is Amir and all was done in a matter of moments. Amir cowers before Zurgo. Smush says let me. Zurgo looks at Smush grabs Amir by his throat and lift him off his feet.

From here Zurgo could see his Army fighting under him and could see ground was being made and on the path to the right of the tower. His forces were slashing through Redguards like molten metal through leather. Zurgo looks and Amir and says do you bleed? Smush then yells for fire catapults to be used. You can see the Kings forces arriving behind what is left of the Gilded Lotus. Zurgo Says *** You to Amir. Amir stabs Zurgo in his side with his snake curved dagger. Zurgo then throws Amir off the tower and exclaims “Fire Everything!!!”. Cold fire comes from the New Tower across the whole battle field. The orcs at the tower begin dropping boulders on the Redguard soldiers below. The streaming smoke shatter the skies above from all the catipult fire.

The King sees his son get thrown off the tower on his arrival and thinks to himself. What have I done? Oil pots are hurled into to the King’s forces causing massive amounts of loses due to the fires that followed. The Redguard army starts getting destroyed and are forced to retreat to Damar Farmstead. The Warchief at the front signals for the Orcs to regroup and reform for a charge. Zurgo then signals the Blood Hound Pack and Nadkaza to capture Klathzgar. The Iron Fist Warband, Iron Legion and Black Hand reform the front while Bloodtusk and Chipped Tooth hold the gate and protect the flank. A horn blows. The Orcs start to move across the open Battlefield. King Muhammed gathers his forces for this charge. We will meet them on the battlefield! The Orcs start to speed up and make their way 20% across the field. King Muhammed commands to wait for it. Wait for it. He exclaims. The Orcs are now 40% across the field. Now! Exclaims the Kings. The Redguards charge the battlefield. Both forces are shacking the world. They would meet on the Redguards 40. The two armies clash like ocean water on rocks. The battle rages. Both Forces are forced to separate their troops because of the giant rocky terrain creating two fronts. Both sides under arrow fire. To the left of the battle is Bangkorai Garrison. The king signals and its gates open. Out come Mercenaries from Evermore. They smash into the Orcs from the north. The garrison itself shoots out ballista into the battlefield. The Warchief moves the army south away from the garrison and around the giant rocks. The Blood Hound Pack on their Dire Wolves are riding to Klathzgar with the Nadkaza on foot. They use the south road from New tower and make it into the ruins. Once the Nadkaza arrive they bolster the ruins defense as to be impenetrable. The Blood Hound Pack use haste moving North. The Blood Hound Pack soon banks a left through rough rocky terrain. Immediately find them leaping down from the great rocks into the Redguard Forces. Zurgo signals for the Chipped Tooth legion to move the siege forward and begin to siege Bankorai Garrison. Soon after he returns to Craglorn to pay respect to his father bringing the heads of the three princes.

The war eventually had been lost. After the Orcs were able to gain control of the garrison. A Breton Army arrived and the Redguard spears arrived as well. a lot of Orcs got trapped in the ruins. Other in the garrison where they starved to death. The rest returned to Craglorn. Even though they lost the war, the chief had been avenged by his Oheneba. So today we see it as a prophecy come true and now any Orc chief who dies at the hands of another must be avenged by their heir in order to receive the clans blessing and become chieft. Zurgo is so famous. There are tapestries of an Orc with maul in hand, Redguard by the neck in the other, standing over two bodies at a cliff with a battle taking place down below. This is the story of Zurgo Helmsmasher.
Edited by Spector_HectorPS4 on June 10, 2024 12:57AM
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