Hi kids,
I would like to have something to do in this game. But what do I get? Now I'm limited to one bit of new content a year, plus a bunch of exhausting events. I don't know, maybe I'm in the minority here, but I feel like I have about 20 hours of gameplay in this game every year. I get that there's no subscription cost so perhaps that's all I can expect, but still. Could you please give me a reason to play your game? And no, events are not a reason to play. They're a reason to hate repetitive gameplay.
I subscribed to ESO+ in part to get extra content. Biut you decided last year that "extra content" means "making the game work." FAIL. That is absolutely inappropriate. Making the game work is base content, not an add-on. I don't mind rethinking the whole Chapter/DLC thing, especially when CHAPTERS BECOME DLC AFTER ONE YEAR. So they're not even extra content, are they? It's all just DLC. So how about you stop trying to convince ESO+ subscribers that we're doing anything other than paying you to make your game work?
Let's face it. ESO+ is two things: Crafting Bag and Extra Slots in Housing. That's it. There is nothing more to ESO+. "Free" Crowns" Seriously? That's like Verizon saying they give you an iPhone for free. WRONG. We're paying for content. We get so little for the ESO+ subscription that any crowns we get are negligible. If somebody just wants to play the DLC dungeons, they're not going to waste their money on ESO+. And while I have no plans to unsubscribe at the moment, THAT'S NOT WHAT I SIGNED ON FOR. I signed on for access to content. Which has been essentially stripped from the subscription. It was 2 Dungeon DLCs plus a DLC mini-chapter. Now it's nothing more than one Dungeon DLC. So THANK YOU ZOS for stripping the content from my "subscription."
Oh, and to those who want the crafting bag to be free? PAY FOR IT. See above for an explanation if you don't get it.