This is a new item that is only available from the FURNISHED Sword-Singers redoubt, which means if you got it for free, you cannot get it any other way.
Please do not put these kinds of limitations on people, while I love the new home and am extremly happy it was free...forever locking someone out of a furnishing is extremely frustrating.
It will probably be an antiquity, like most of the other custom crafting stations.
it was available on pts in the housing editor so that's doubtful
Is it possible that the PTS version of the housing editor could contain items that players can test right away, rather than spending weeks trying to randomly discover where antiquities leads drop?
katanagirl1 wrote: »Wasn’t this item shown in a video for the latest update? I looked and did not see it in the housing editor.
EDIT: it was actually way back in u41. What happened to it?
it likely won't be added to the housing editor until Sword Singer's Redoubt gets sold in the crown store.
the oven and some other furnishings are part of the Redoubt's furnished version.
other past houses have also had new furnishings that were only added to the housing editor once the houses were sold,
like Willowpond Haven's willows.