[FDG] - Frenzied Drunk Gamers ( Looking to add New Members )

Hello Everyone!
My friends and I from Frenzied Drunk Gamers would like to add more member to our ranks that play ESO. We are a small clan/group of friends that play a variety of different games instead of just identifying with just one. We have our own website: http://frenzied.enjin.com/ , and we also have our own Teamspeak server. We have players from all around the world so it really doesn't matter what timezone your in. And as of right now we are mainly PVE focused as the game just came out but we will also be getting into the PVP section as we progress

Now we aren't looking to add just anyone, we would prefer applicants be 17+ and mature players. The ability to connect and chat via our Teamspeak is also a must.
If you would like to join send a message in game to one of the following users:

@‌ Superbob0823
@‌ Slade_Wilson

I hope to see some new people soon!

  • crm082306b14_ESO
    After making these posts I saw the server update that ingame messaging was disabled lol....If you wanna join us in our crusades across Tamriel visit our website for our teamspeak server address or feel free to send me ([FDG] Superbob2326) and I will send you a guild invite.
  • crm082306b14_ESO
    To the top!
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