Unable to pick up skill items

Suddenly I'm unable to pick up skill items to put in my abilities slots.

Does anyone knows this bug? Is it addon related or something else?

  • virtus753
    It’s easy see if it’s add-on related by disabling all your add-ons, reloading, and trying again.

    There is a very quick way to disable all add-ons from the menu:


    In the Add-Ons menu (Escape > Add-Ons), click on the word "ON" next to the smaller "Add-Ons" text. It will toggle to "OFF" and you'll see your add-on list (including libraries) grey out. Then reload UI.

    Alternatively, you can quit the game, rename your Add-Ons folder, and then start the game again.

    If this is a sudden change for you, do you recall which add-ons you have recently installed?

    If not, you can try disabling half your add-ons and leaving the other half enabled. If you still get the error, it's in the half that's still enabled; if you don't, it's in the half you disabled. Keep narrowing them down like that until you've found the issue.
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