"(u still need alot of time and kills for a singel level up, definetly alot more time than u would need in pve)"
That's why there were lvl 50 PVPers the second day, and none from PVE right?
You're assuming that PVP needs to work as leveling mechanic at all. PVP is meant to be the endgame, not a substitute for the PVE game. You cant level via exclusively PVPing and be as effective as someone who quests. I dont see the problem with this. Should crafters get adventure levels from crafting too, just because they would prefer to spend the majority of their ingame time doing that? The game isnt designed like that either, I dont hear anyone whinging about that.
xSpike.Spiegelxneb18_ESO wrote: »
Absolutely. You want your playstyle to be supported, but not other peoples?
I say this as an avid PVPer. You said yourself it doesnt take long to level up in the main area of the game. So what you're really saying is we should fully support laziness, because you cant be bothered.
Oh well.
xSpike.Spiegelxneb18_ESO wrote: »
I say i dont wannt to play the part with npcs.
I like to get messured against real human beings, human vs human
Then most likely the MMO genre is not for you. Perhaps CoD or something. Nothing wrong with that, I was just playing some earlier during the downtime. The harsh reality is, you're gimping yourself by not partaking in PVE or other areas of the game. You only think this leveling thing has gimped you now, because the other areas are not apparent yet. It wont be long until people who thoroughly outfitted their toons in the PVE game will start to flood Cyrodiil, and you're going to be left in the dust sooner rather than later. You wont be able to compete against someone with a complete build. Like it or not, you're going to be "forced" to or be ritually outclassed by others.
It is an MMO, this is how MMO's work.
xSpike.Spiegelxneb18_ESO wrote: »
now u really got me i had a good laugh really
MMO Massive Multiplayer Online game means alot of people are online means where to find alot of people just in your campain that is pvp
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »Not if thats what the devs envision.
I want to fish my way to level 50.
Makes me laugh and nails it.
I love to PvP, but i have no problem with the current situation. I'm glad this explotable quest is gone. Although i wouldnt mind if they up the exp reward for kills a bit, i can live without a change.
The main fun in PvP should be to kill people, not to level fast or grind a moronic quest.
Except it was anything BUT fast! A PvE quester was still leveling up like 3 times as fast. It was already so bad, that a lot of PvPers were doing PvE quests for XP, anyways.
xSpike.Spiegelxneb18_ESO wrote: »If u compare my playstyle and playtime to players with the same intesity(i doubt there are many) in pve they would be lvl 50long time ago after playtime of 20h- 48h max.
I think that the quest should be made repeatable again, but have its seals reduced, or have the amount of kills required increased.
Spidermonk wrote: »
I've been over 3 days in the game in just PvE...level 16. I don't understand this rush to reach max level...
I would love to see something like 100-250 kills. When I was grouped for PvP back in beta (with 2 other guys) we would get the 20 kills in 30 seconds or so during a massive zerg fight.