I don’t know how much anyone farms this place, and I want to preface this with I’m not flaming, or having a go, more curious and wondering if this one thing is a bug.
(Also really sorry if this has been mentioned already).
So; I collected my mount a good bit ago. Took a little break. Come back to do style pages and get the pet and missing pieces. I’m still getting drops for the mount. I can’t do anything with them other than destroy. I wouldn’t mind if we could sell for one gold even, or even sell for some of the archival fortunes (wishful thinking I know 🤣).
Anyway - I’m curious if this is a bug or not that I’m still getting drops, because it seems to recognise once you’ve completed a full set of the class style pages. If it isn’t, why can’t that be a feature? Is there a reason for it? Just weird, and considering the drop rate of both map frags, skeever frags, style pages, etc… it’s so disheartening when you see them (maligraphic ichor) in a chest.