ESO UI Error 8CBCE40B - Anyone know what this is?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Often when I /reloadui (to send listings to TTC after banking and selling), the UI breaks completely.

If it happens, at first there's a white square that's closeable in the corner, like the size and location of a treasure map sketch. Then I can't open my inventory or do ANYTHING UI-related. This error pops up and after that nothing is clickable, no shortcuts work. Unfortunately reloading it again doesn't help; the only way to fix things is to log out / back in.


I can't find anything about error 8CBCE40B online. I'm guessing it's addon related? Here's a list of what I run:

It's been happening for months, probably over a year. Makes me nervous to reloadui. But I don't want to play without my UI addons for long enough to test which this could be.

  • Baertram
    You should enable LibDebugLogger as it tarcks enabled addons and error messages in your SavedVariables then.
    After the error not the date and time and do a reloadui to save it properly to the SavedVariables.

    You can upload the file live/SavedVariables/LibDebugLogger then here (drag & drop) and press "Upload" top right to get a unique link. Via that link we can have a look at your loaded addons then and see if some other errors happend before.
    -> You need to tell us teh date and time the error happened then please, for an easier find.

    Attention: In that files your @acountname can be read so if you dislike to spread that, do not upload the files!

    I'd do the following:
    Disable half of your addons and try to reproduce the error. If the error is still there disable next half of it, and so on until you can narrow it down to some enabled addons /and their libraries which need to be enabled.

    Maybe you got an old addon enabled that causes this somehow and can find it that way.
    Edited by Baertram on April 25, 2024 10:40AM
  • belial5221_ESO
    I'd guess libaddonkeybinds and any addon that uses it could be prob,since error refrences keyboard.
  • MoonPile
    I'd guess libaddonkeybinds and any addon that uses it could be prob,since error refrences keyboard.

    That's interesting, thanks! A clue, maybe... The error text looks like something with scenes, so maybe it's related to this? –

    The current caretaker of "No, Thank You!" addon implemented a keybind I specifically asked for, to toggle the "Don't rotate game camera" option. I keep it off when banking or trading, so Idk why it would glitch then, or if it is even that.

    Besides that I also use Votan's Keybinder, which uses libAddonKeybinds.

    Thanks @Baertram also!
  • Baertram
    I'd guess libaddonkeybinds and any addon that uses it could be prob,since error refrences keyboard.

    I must say this is a very funny comment, and reason then :|
    You are assuming something here or why do you mention libAddonKeybinds?
    That library got to do with keybinds (hotkeys), not keyboard.

    And the lua error is about the main menu, so should not be related to keybinds.

    Despite the fact keybind and keyboard are not the same:
    If you think libaddonkeybind could be the problem because the error mentions keyboard you can say also all ZOs code could be the problem as it got keyboard in it's name (which is the fact) :)
    ZOs code always differs between _keyboard and _gamepad, since years meanwhile.

    I know you wanted to help but just throwing in any similar named addon or library without having any proof it could be the reason, is not helping. It's just distracting then.
    Better only throw in addons or library names if you know they got such problems, thank you.
    Edited by Baertram on April 29, 2024 1:55PM
  • MoonPile
    Thank you Baertram. I haven't figured it out yet but it happened again today after /reloadui after banking. Now totally different code, and even a different error: 82984B7F

    The result is the same for me: the white box, can't access UI, etc.

    So after this happened I tried turning chunks of addons on and off. Still every time I reloaded UI, the error persisted. Maybe interesting(?): it still came up even after I completely disabled ALL addons with the OFF button and reloaded.

    Just like before: if the error already occurred, the only way to fix it is to log out completely. So only way test it is to try banking and trading on a fresh login, with swaths of addons off, and hope it happens. :( I keep putting this off
  • Baertram
    is at that position of the white box and quest tarcker usualyl for you?
    As the error is related to quests.
    Do you use and special quest tracker addon? Then try to see if that is still working fine or find a replacement!


    Try the following next time if you see that white box (here on your screenshot it appears top left):

    Move the mouse above the white box, then press return key to get to chat edit box and type:

    /script d(moc():GetName())

    and press return key.
    It should then write the name of the control below your mouse cursor to the chat.
    If that shows GuiRoot we are unlucky.

    But if that for example shows something like AddOnNameHereControlNameHere we maybe get the addon name that way.
    Edited by Baertram on May 3, 2024 6:24PM
  • MoonPile
    Baertram wrote: »
    is at that position of the white box and quest tarcker usualyl for you?
    As the error is related to quests.
    Do you use and special quest tracker addon? Then try to see if that is still working fine or find a replacement!...

    Oddly no; I keep quest tracker Off, with Automatic Quest Tracking On in vanilla settings. Don't use any quest tracker addons. I thought maybe it's LostTreasure because that would be the location of a treasure map graphic:

    But so far that doesn't seem to be it. I will try those other actions when it happens next time!
    Right now I'm trying the addons on/off process but it isn't happening.
  • MoonPile
    Baertram wrote: »
    is at that position of the white box and quest tarcker usualyl for you?
    As the error is related to quests.
    Do you use and special quest tracker addon? Then try to see if that is still working fine or find a replacement!


    Try the following next time if you see that white box (here on your screenshot it appears top left):

    Move the mouse above the white box, then press return key to get to chat edit box and type:

    /script d(moc():GetName())

    and press return key.
    It should then write the name of the control below your mouse cursor to the chat.
    If that shows GuiRoot we are unlucky.

    But if that for example shows something like AddOnNameHereControlNameHere we maybe get the addon name that way.

    Happened again and got to try this, definitely is Lost Treasure:

    I'll report it on their ESOUI page then, thanks for your help!
  • MoonPile
    Ugh, it's back.

    I thought it stopped when I turned off Lost Treasure; I now use Map Pins for maps & writs instead. But the error just came back again today :( 8CBCE40B

  • Necrotech_Master
    ive been using lost treasure still and havent noticed this issue, but i almost never actually open the maps, i just use lost treasure to tell me where on the map i need to go to dig it up

    whatever is going on it definitely seems to be something that occasionally happens with viewing the actual treasure map though
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Baertram
    It must not even be related to the treasure maps!
    It could be that the lua error occurs somewhere else, mainMenu it says!
    So if you click M to show the map e.g.

    And then the LostTreasure addon breaks BECAUSE OF THAT OTHER LUA ERRROR BEFORE and that is why you see that white texture there. But actually the cause is any other addon.

    I'd try to disable all map related addons first and see if that makes the error go away and then try to enable them 1 after another again until it happens again.

    Such errors are hard to find, I know... Takes time and will

    I actually never had any LostTreasure errors for years so I doubt it is that addon causing it (unless you found other treasure maps than me ;) ).

    As my initial post described you really should use LibDebugLogger and create the LibDebugLogger.lua file and upload it for us so we can have a look at it.

    Make sure to enable the checkbox "Detailed error messages" at the addon manager site too!
    Enable LibDebugLogger.
    In chat type: /debuglogger stack on

    As the error happens: Note date and time, then reloadui.
    Logout and upload the LibDebugLogger file and send me the link via PM, plus the info at what date and time it happened.
    I could check the log files then if I can see any prior error messages that you did not notice, or from the call stack of the error message maybe where it comes from (via the stack info).
    Edited by Baertram on May 9, 2024 8:28PM
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