Anyone else not getting Jubilee boxes for doing dailies after 10am this morning? I know the event got extended but I think the game isn't rewarding boxes because the event was suppose to end today at 10am
Just checked that on PC NA and got the one Glorious and six purples for doing the crafting dailies. The event was scheduled to end on Tuesday morning (events usually end at 10am ET on Tuesdays - Jesters is the exception), so I'm doubtful that it's anything to do with the change in event schedule.
I'm fresh out of outrage, but I could muster up some amused annoyance if required.
Got boxes. Finished dailies on 20 toons at 130 pm est
The Lord Jesus Christ saved me from sin and darkness. His love has transformed me so that I am a new creature in Him. May you find Him too, and experience His richness and goodness!
It was supposed to end on Tuesday, April 23 10am Eastern, which it will still do for console. Due to the extension it now ends Thursday, April 25 10 am Eastern for PC.
I was thinking the event was set to end on the 21st my mistake all
The dailies I wasn't getting reward boxes for was from Cyrodiil dailies. Scout keep / resource, Capture keep / resource and one more from those mission boards I dont remember which was one it was now. The other ones was giving boxes though.