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Does DC feel less-popular?

  • Sihnfahl
    Eh, she gets over it.
  • Bandras
    I love DC. I tried the other 2 alliances in beta but I either did not like tha races (ok, I know that it doesn't matter with the Explorer Pack) or the stories or the environment in the other zones.

    DC seemed to be some kind of an underdog as well and that also made me choose this alliance. I must tell you that I have not regret it. The stories are very immersive, the environment is beautiful and still sometimes I feel that there are too many ppl running around.

    My only concern is that the DC dungeons so far have not been to entertaining. The crypt was the first one that felt ok and I still think that the other group dungeons/instances are better a bit. Despite all this I still like the community on this side and everything. I am to finish Rivenspire so I am not too far ahead but if the upcoming zones are similar to the ones I have finished I will have no complaints at all.
  • disexistencenub19_ESO
    I'm kind of wishing I put two of my characters on Daggerfall, instead of Ebonheart, to be quite honest. Now, I haven't gotten too terribly far, but the whole detective thing around the city had me hooked from the start. I also liked the Wyrd sisters and the witch vibe.

    I quite liked the starting islands as well, over the others, despite everyone saying Dominion was the best. It really gave me that roguish adventurer feel to it. I felt like I could run into Conan or Sinbad, or even Dr. Jones on Stros. Whereas the Dominion gives you the whole "true hero" feel to it, which is all well and good, but I've done that a hundred times over in many games. Ebonheart was the opposite, and had that grim and gritty warrior style.

    I also find the Daggerfall city to be rather nice looking with an old traditional style, and prefer the layout much better over Ebonheart. The Dominion is polluted with filthy, high elves and I hate having to hike so far between the bank and crafting stuff. I also want to punch or slap half the npcs because I know they are secretly judging me, hah. I can tolerate it though, because they have Khajiit, which are truly awesome as a whole.
  • slumber_sandb16_ESO
    Orcs. Need I say more?

    Sure I could pick any alliance with Orcs but nah. Orcs and Orsinium is with Daggerfall Covenant so that's why I picked it, going with my peoples. Every MMO has lush forests and cold snow covered areas, but deserts aren't seen too often. I also have a burning hatred for High Elves, stupid gold coloured .. *grumble*
    So far the Daggerfall Covenant community, from what I've seen, has been very polite and friendly so I don't regret the decision at all.

    Also, did I mention Orcs? Orcs.

    Look at this bada** motherf****. If only Orc armour looked like this in ESO..
    Edited by slumber_sandb16_ESO on April 7, 2014 3:46PM
  • Thybrinena
    DC got their first Emperor on Chrysamere yesterday and got to kill the Elven scum who was Emperor in the process! DC is the biz! (couldn't think of a better rhyme...)
  • Tueland
    If Daggerfall is underpopulated there must be a ton of people playing, our citys if filled with people all the time, and whenever im out in the world doing quests there is always people running around within my FOV.

    Also as foxsyd said, our story starts by joining pirates, the other factions got nothing on us!
  • KiroElmarok
    Orsimer have been my favorite race to play in TES... even got my name. Kiro :)
    Daggerfall Covenant - Dunmer - Dragon Knight

  • Memnock
    Out of all the alliances that are at war for the throne , the DC makes the most sense , i mean seriously , we want peace , the elves feel entitled to it , because... their old , i guess... and the others , i got no idea whats their motivation is but its very weird , having a race that was invaded and enslaved work together with their captors... yeah , no thx , just a weird vibe there.
    Also , the quests in the DC are awesome , like the others above said , we got the Ocean's Eleven type of hist set in the Pirates of the Carribean setting :D , what's not to like ?! :D
    As a last note , King Emeric's voice is done by the guy who played Victor in Underworld , awesomesouce !!!
  • HippieTheGreat
    Daggerfall has always had a special place in my heart, since it was my first Elder Scrolls game. Its nice to see some areas in 3D graphics :)

    However, after playing Dominion and Pact in beta I have to say the biggest reason for picking Daggerfall is the storyline. Political intrigue is fun to watch, but awesome to play though. The storylines are awesome and more engaging that the other factions I thought. And the zone Rivenspire is just all kinds of epic.
    Edited by HippieTheGreat on April 8, 2014 5:17PM
  • Atyx
    cowboys12 wrote: »
    DC is awesome however zone chat sucks and filled with trolls. when someone asks for help pple ignore you, then you have to type in CAPS Lock to get any attention. However after you do they *** bc your typing in all caps and call you a troll

    Zone chat is gonna be full of trolls no matter your alliance, it doesn't matter. It's an MMO and this is what you get from a zone-wide chat. Many people can be helpful and whatnot. You can simply just find a guild and try and get help there if zone chat doesn't help; And fyi, talking in caps does nothing but *** people off, would not recommend.
  • Sihnfahl
    Memnock wrote: »
    As a last note , King Emeric's voice is done by the guy who played Victor in Underworld , awesomesouce !!!
    Considering that he's FIGHTING vampires in Rivenspire...
  • Zordrage
    new DC player INC
    .....stupid download....

    i LOVE deserts and tropic stuff it feels sooo peacefull and gives a big freedom feel.....
    Edited by Zordrage on April 9, 2014 10:37AM
  • crislevin
    It is less popular, just look at faction population in alliance page, DC never has higher population than other two.

    I think the recent popular TES games are to blame. Morrowind? Oblivion? Skyrim? Thats decades of AD and EP. People has to go back long time to know Daggerfall.

    I do think DC has the best fashion, the armor line beats any other factions. :) City of Dagger fall looks fantastic compare to primitive starting town in AD and EP.

    Not really worried about the Alliance warfare, I will goto PvP, later on. Its never gonna end anyway.
  • Raice
    This is playing out pretty much as I thought it would. I knew DC would be the low pop faction. It pretty much boils down to the Races - which ones "look" more interesting?

    A Redguard, a Breton, and an Orc simply aren't as "attractive" as an Elf, a Cat, a Dinosaur, or a Viking.

    I also figured, however, that most of the better players would actually be in Daggerfall. Why? Because I suspect that most of the older players would go for it.

    AD is the Popular Peoples' factions. All the kids who want to be self-righteous and be part of a "movement" so-to-speak go for AD.

    All the kids who think they are way more awesome than they actually are will go to Ebonheart.

    Everyone else who actually knows what's what goes to Daggerfall.

    Those of you who are my brethren, fear not for the overwhelming numbers against you. They are naught but glass cannons.
  • mark2472
    Raice wrote: »
    This is playing out pretty much as I thought it would. I knew DC would be the low pop faction. It pretty much boils down to the Races - which ones "look" more interesting?

    A Redguard, a Breton, and an Orc simply aren't as "attractive" as an Elf, a Cat, a Dinosaur, or a Viking.

    I also figured, however, that most of the better players would actually be in Daggerfall. Why? Because I suspect that most of the older players would go for it.

    AD is the Popular Peoples' factions. All the kids who want to be self-righteous and be part of a "movement" so-to-speak go for AD.

    All the kids who think they are way more awesome than they actually are will go to Ebonheart.

    Everyone else who actually knows what's what goes to Daggerfall.

    Those of you who are my brethren, fear not for the overwhelming numbers against you. They are naught but glass cannons.

    Haha, I never thought of it like that, but it's so true. I mainly joined the DC because I love playing in the underdog faction. The underdog factions tend to attract a more mature and more skilled player base. Plus, it means so much more to win at something being the underdog than to win at something when the odds are in your favor.
    Edited by mark2472 on April 9, 2014 6:26PM
  • Traisa
    I tried EP, and it is so dark and depressing. Also tried AD and it was ok, but I just felt out of place there. I still have those two characters, but my DC character is my main and I enjoy the atmosphere here better regardless if we're seen as less popular.
  • Mobius0
    DC was an easy choice for me, because Redguard and Breton were always my classes of choice in previous games.

    And then when I first saw Daggerfall, I immediately knew there was no way I'd like the other capitals more, and I was right. I love the Gothic style, and compared to it, the other capitals are primitive shanty towns!
  • Baxter2064
    I like the diverse environments, personally. Everything from swamps to deserts. I saw it in beta and knew that playing Daggerfall was going to be the right choice for me. That being said, I am finding an issue with underpopulation on DC. I'm eyeing the possibility of getting involved in Cyrodiil pvp and can't seem to find any larger guilds. Maybe I'm not looking in the right locations, but it seems to be pretty slim pickings at the moment.
    "Professionals are predictable, it's the amateurs that are dangerous."
    - Murphy's Laws of Combat
  • Orchish
    DC has two of the less popular races with Orcs and Redguards. I still see plenty of people though (EU) and although EP outnumber us in PvP (Auriel's Bow) we more than hold our own during peak times.
  • Sunrock
    Well as I pre-ordered I can play any race any faction so... But during the beta I played all 3 faction and found that I liked the DC quest story lines better then the other two. AD has good too but DC have more pirate/thief/mercenary stories that I like.

    However we all know from the start that DC where going to be the least populated faction from the start. Because AD was the most popular faction during beta and EP is popular among every one that did not play the beta.

    However if every one know how badly EP quests where developed compare to the other two factions I think DC would have been #2.
  • Kinsaven
    I suppose that DC could be seen as the faction with the 'less interesting' races. Though when it comes to zones, DC has some pretty amazing ones. It's definitely less popular than the other factions, though as long as it doesn't become ridiculously unbalanced, I'm not sure that's a bad thing since DC is still very well populated regardless of it being the smallest faction. :)
  • cliveklgb14_ESO
    We get to do a heist in the starter island.
    Daggerfalls eleven, cant top that!

    on a serious note: first city is the coolest of them all.
    Amazing and engaging story and i like the less populated areas :)

    Exactly, best first actual Capital city in Daggerfall. Only one that has really felt like a city for me so far (still could be bigger).

    One of more fun starter zones imo.

    Although I'm not as satisfied with the player community in PvE. A lot of grouches, trolls, Barrens type chat in /zone. Ask a question and you get mostly snark, in AD there seems to be a lot more helpful player base when I've been on.

    RvRvR at least on the most populated server the DC at the start seemed really organized, winning with slightly less population more often. But I haven't been out much lately and concentrating on leveling more.
  • SirTinbox
    DC has nice landscapes an awesome art style and engaging storylines. I´m glad I chose this faction to start with.

    AD is interesting aswell but DC comes first.

    The only faction I´m absolutely not interested in is EP. I´ve played Morrowind and Skyrim and while I very much liked the games I´d rather try out something different in TESO.
  • Rastafariel
    DC is great! I think a lot of people confuse numbers in Cyrodiil with over all numbers. Id rather have a slightly more mature player base and less people! Anyone complaining about no one to play with should look up the Dragon Tears under RP Guilds on these forums!
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • Vaerth
    I never found any joy playing in desert areas. Breton is my favorite race since Morrowind. I love Breton lore and culture. But I just hate playing in deserts. So hot, dry, dusty, and so much sand in the boots! Lol. On a serious note I would have picked DC if it was not so much desert questing. I get bored real quick in those zones.
    Pact Bloodwraith
  • Runefell
    I started a toon in each of the three alliances. I actually decided on my Daggerfall Sorcerer to be my main, because she was awesome, and, well, Jakarn. But around level 18 or so, I switched to my EP Dragonknight. The main reason? They don't have freaking town criers!

    Seriously! I thought the 'Did you hear? Buy them an ale!' duo was annoying, but in almost every major town, all you hear every ten seconds is 'Hear ye, hear ye!'

    Maybe it gets better as you get further along. But, while it has an interesting story, it's definitely has the most annoying, noisy random npc's of the three alliances.
    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • Shiaxi
    meh.. only in the first city tbh; granted in wayrest there's a towncrier near the crafting stations but he switches up his news and it's nowhere near as annoying as the whole did you hear? someone saved king cas's life!

    also the bankers in wayrest are way less annoying :p
  • Mjoel
    Yes DC has really not many Players but you guys have one of the best organised and strongest group/guild on the whole EU Server i saw them many times on Auriels Bow at evening always taking a scroll running in circles farming red and yellow (even big zergs get destroyed by this group)
    Edited by Mjoel on May 16, 2014 12:01PM
  • poochie
    Died probably 30x in VR-Stormhaven so yea its not my favorite faction. Chests and mobs are dropping less and less soul gems...almost a whole zone of bloodfiends and I can't even get it me or is Reapers March like the only place to go to get infected?
  • Aeradon
    I chose the Covenant after reading about all the alliances. Here's my breakdown.

    Dominion - Tree huggers that feel superior because of their Mer blood and fair skin, needed more men so they were forced to recruit a subspecies that they believe to be inferior because they're shorter with less talent in magic, cheated the cats by telling them they brought back the moons after an eclipse and have them as loyal pets. (I love Khajiits, which makes me hate AD, the deception, treating us as low lives, and made Skooma legal as diplomatic move? My cousins die everyday!) Now they believe the ancient ruling will keep the world in a balanced state until we learn to rule. How can they say that when they've been living in the forest and never even learn cultures of others?

    Pact - The barbarians and the exiles. The way I think of it, the ruling of Nords must be really bad that he holds no diplomatic power to the point where he has to employ the tactic of the enemy of my enemy is my ally. These Nords keep very dangerous allies, sneaky lizards with the exile elves planning revenge and comeback. These two race would do anything to get back at the world. And the simple minded Nords gave them that chance. Plus, this would most likely be a very mainstream alliance due to the previous game being in Skyrim and that warrior players would prefer the Nord forts and infrastructure. Barbarians who would do anything just to hog the fun longer, even when somehow they failed on previous reign and didn't even manage to make any friends in their long reign.

    Dominion - Makes the most sense. If man are too stupid and mer is too arrogant, Bretons make the perfect combination. Immunity to magic would also make Bretons a stronger king, illusions and dark magic tricks won't work. Red guards, descendants of invading warriors, strength unknown to Tamriel. Orcs, cursed beings that has the spartan spirit of killing their weak child. What brings them together even they've been fighting for ages? Trade. Orcs want recognition, they fought to be acknowledged of their existence. Having Orc names branded as best armorers would serve the same purpose. Red guards are rich from all the raiding and trading, Bretons has good diplomacy and management amongst their high kings and knows their stuff even though they sit fat on their chairs. Now they want to bring the trades up again.

    My thoughts then, I wanna fight for freedom. Not serve some elves and being treated as lower beings, admitting to be a lower being by serving them. Not fight for a barbarian king that nobody respects and has allies that might one day overthrow him. The freedom of trade and gaining wealth together seems fun.

    Plus, it will be a fair fight if they try to overthrow the Bretons. Bretons magical advantage doesn't apply as none of the other two uses magic, and they make bold approaches rather than sneaking and poisoning. Honor bound fights!

    And my RL career is a trader. Obviously I wanna protect my job. Lol.
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
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