NoTimeToWait wrote: »You can farm up to 4 bosses in 5 minutes consistently, if you manage to get people call out when the bosses go up, so you know the order in which they go up (not to run there, because you are unlikely to make it in time, but just to note the timing of a respawn). Or if bosses die consistently fast (in 10s or less), you just need to find out the order yourself by visiting each site and waiting for respawn.
Siren and Alar take the most time to finish. So those I think should be the last ones to consider.
Between Nilthog, Consort and Council, it all depends on the order, because people kill those fast.
Then you either go to Alar or Siren, whichever has fewer people, but not too few so that it doesn't take too long.
Sometimes order shifts, because people take longer to kill a boss on one site compared to other boss sites, so that is a thing to keep in mind, if people don't kill the boss immediately.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »i also made a little minigame out of the synergy mechanic to see how many people would die by it (because you *can* kill other players with this and it is registered that way on the death recap lol)
What is the mechanic, exactly? I was baffled after a few deaths seconds after I successfully pressed X to escape. I presumed there was a bug. It only happened with others, never solo.
What is the mechanic, exactly? I was baffled after a few deaths seconds after I successfully pressed X to escape. I presumed there was a bug. It only happened with others, never solo.
I just camped Salothan council and watched Fallout.
I had the worst luck with the boss sync in that they all seemed to be respawning at roughly the same time, so travelling between them wasn't saving me from standing around waiting for the spawn.
NoTimeToWait wrote: »
It's actually the best case scenario. You can adjust slightly their spawn timings by aggroing the boss and delaying its death slightly by pulling it away. After 10-15 pulls it will be delayed by around a minute and this way you setup yourself a perfect loop (and it's not really detrimental to other players since you don't need to delay anymore after you got to a minute or so interval mark). It's especially easy to do with the Council, since you can usually pull away Salothan, while people are killing other council members
I just camped Salothan council and watched Fallout.
I had the worst luck with the boss sync in that they all seemed to be respawning at roughly the same time, so travelling between them wasn't saving me from standing around waiting for the spawn.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »
as far as im aware, its always worked this way, i have no idea if it is a bug or not because im pretty sure ive reported on it before and nothing has changed lol
but the way the synergy works is if you DONT hit the synergy, you will definitely die
if you DO hit the synergy, you save yourself, but you also create an explosion aoe (approx 6 meters or so) around you that does oblivion dmg to allies (possibly enemies as well, hard to tell cause not a ton of adds), and the best i can tell is this aoe explosion oblivon dmg is scaled on your max hp, so a tank with 40k hp will hit other players significantly harder than a 20k hp dps
basically, if you want to make sure you dont die, avoid standing near other players before this mechanic starts, or be the quickest to hit your synergy and get out of the way, or play a tank and kill everyone else lol
SeaGtGruff wrote: »
No, if your health is high enough and the player who hits the synergy first has max health lower than your max health, you will not necessarily die.
As I understand it, any synergy-- be it from another player's skills or from a boss such as Songbird-- can only be "claimed" by the first player who activates it; anyone else who tries to activate it will not get the synergy. It's first come, first serve.
In the case of Songbird's synergy, any player who wasn't able to activate the synergy will receive damage from the synergy, and I think the amount of damage is determined by the max health of whichever player succeeded in activating the synergy.
Thus, the best strategy-- if you're trying to be thoughtful toward everyone involved in the fight-- is to let the player who has the lowest max health activate the synergy. That isn't likely to happen unless the players got together before the fight, determined who had the lowest max health, and agreed to let that player be the one to activate the synergy. Hence, it's common for at least a few players to get killed by the backlash when the synergy ends, although some players may survive the backlash.
SeaGtGruff wrote: »
No, if your health is high enough and the player who hits the synergy first has max health lower than your max health, you will not necessarily die.
As I understand it, any synergy-- be it from another player's skills or from a boss such as Songbird-- can only be "claimed" by the first player who activates it; anyone else who tries to activate it will not get the synergy. It's first come, first serve.
In the case of Songbird's synergy, any player who wasn't able to activate the synergy will receive damage from the synergy, and I think the amount of damage is determined by the max health of whichever player succeeded in activating the synergy.
Thus, the best strategy-- if you're trying to be thoughtful toward everyone involved in the fight-- is to let the player who has the lowest max health activate the synergy. That isn't likely to happen unless the players got together before the fight, determined who had the lowest max health, and agreed to let that player be the one to activate the synergy. Hence, it's common for at least a few players to get killed by the backlash when the synergy ends, although some players may survive the backlash.
katanagirl1 wrote: »
I personally didn’t have any issue with the synergy, I only saw it once I think. I was on my arcanist and there were usually one or more other arcanists, so the siren died about the time she teleported to the next spot. She was only up long enough for two sets of flails and beam.