House Dracoguard is a newly formed Breton noble house themed guild centered around the merchant houses and the characters within it day to day growth!
Focused on a more slow burn immersive gameplay utilizing the Delvebound elderscrolls 5e D&D RP system for our combat needs we aim to give a more lower fantasy realistic vibe to our experience and hat we share to others!
We are looking for all types of characters regardless of race of creed (mostly) from aspiring squires looking to become knights, to priests and priestess's seeking a place to spread the voice of the Divine's, Magi of all legal types looking for a enclave to gather and teach their arcane knowledges, to merchants looking to hit it big under a mercantile household, Even mercenaries simply looking for coin and a bed are welcome and maybe even something for the more darker characters if they play their cards right!
We put a focus on lore accuracy and substance over style in our roleplay. we want to make sure every single character feels like even their smallest actions have some sort of weight whether positive or negative to the overall growth of the house and its denizens
Will you join House Dracoguard on its journey to become one of High Rocks (and beyond!) strongest households? If so please contact
@Harthwood @Valorin or
@Franciscan in game or reply here!
IC NOTICEHouse Dracoguard seeking new employees!All those seeking employment or simply a home to rest their heads heed well, Lord Delson Dracoguard and Lady Rosayna Dracoguard are seeking guardsmen, merchants, men and women of the cloth and even magi to join under their service as well as aspiring politicians. Seek out house recruiters in their lands in the Stormhaven region to sign up The lord and lady care not for race or creed as long as you are a citizen of the Covenant and loyal its banner! For the Glory of House Dracoguard!