I now use mouse right button for forward and ASD for other directions. I used to use the 4 arrow keys for movement (and doubled-up on mouse right button for forward), but the new keybind config is better, because my left hand can now more easily access the other functions, i.e.SkaraMinoc wrote: »Can't remember if it was Quake 2 or 3 but there was an FPS in the mid-90s where the default keys were ASDF and I've been using them in every single game for the past ~30 years.
A = attack
S = back
D = strafe left
F = strafe right
Mouse 1 = forward
Inverted mouse.
Yes, I'm insane. But it works very well for me. Way better than WASD ever could.
I started using a programmable (12 button) gaming mouse last year, it's been a great help on some games.I use a controller with configurable extra buttons, changing the extra buttons to keybinds is the most I have done. Love it.
Wow, that's different to anything I've ever seen. But if it works for you...I'm left handed so I use my mouse with my left hand. Left button is attack, right button is weapon swap and hold middle button is block. Scroll forward is bash. The arrow keys are my first four skills with 'page down' being my 5th skill. I can do all the skills with my thumb and all other controls are on the number pad so I don't have to move my hand to do anything.
I try to set all my games up that way and have been for a couple of decades at least.
1. synergy
2. move back
3. crouch
4. move left
5. push to talk
6. move right
7. toggle run
8. move forward
9. ultimate
0. jump
+ sprint
- sheath
NP Enter is interact