In the explanation of where to find the 5 limited motif replica's you indicate the fishing has a very low chance of rewarding the motif, but say nothing about the rarity of the others, giving the impression that it is harder to get.
It's anecdotal but just about everyone in zone chat, myself included has indicated that the fishing one is the easiest. It took a little over an hour of fishing 230-250 fish to get the replica motif. For WB one, it took me 357 kills, for the dolmen, over 300 (I stopped counting) for geysers I am still farming for it after 400+ geysers and almost 20 hours...
Is it possible someone transposed the drop rates for the fishing one with others and the others are now having the extremely rare drop?
I literally spent more time farming these than I did at my job, that pays me, since this started.
--- HuntGod ---
Officer of the Unrepentant