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"Blocking during personality animations" visual bug is gone

Inari Telvanni
Inari Telvanni
The "animation blocking bug", for those unaware, was a bug wherein if you blocked while a personality-altered emote or animation was playing, it would place your current weapon in your hand during the animation, including those that looped. In the previous patch, before this one, someone at ZOS "fixed" this bug.

The thing about this bug is that it's been historically one of the most beloved bugs in the community, especially among roleplayers and screenarchers. When they first "fixed" this bug, there was a whole outcry and petition asking the developers to bring it back, and the developers acquiesced. I was expecting them to un-fix the bug this patch, given the community's reaction previously and the repeated appreciation for this visual bug in the past two years has been obvious enough that I figured it was a mistake; maybe some unaware developer fixed it without realizing its relevance.

But one hotfix later and we still can't use it. Is it gone forever, then?
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on April 8, 2024 7:24PM
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    Because there is a thread already open on this topic, we're going to close this one down so that all feedback can be consolidated in one place.

    You may continue the discussion here. Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.