Ok, This is a request either for an addon or for ESO team to add a "toggle" box/checkmark or what ever to allow me to turn off specific actions accessing Bank while crafting.
Reason for Request:
The issue I am asking for this is because how many times have you dropped an item in your bank that you want to research next (or save) and then accidentially deconstruct it. There is no way to "save/hold" items which I can't accidentially deconstruct.
Solution Options:
First would be simply stating (by name or some indicator) where an item resides when viewing it from the crafting menus. Is it in my current inventory or in my bank. If it's in the bank then I know to take precautions because I store stuff in there I am trying to hold onto for researching.
Second would be to put toggle that only allows me to deconstruct items from my local inventory (this could again be a possible filter on the crafting items). It would allow me to see what is local in my pack as compared to in the bank.
Mainly I see the need for such in deconstructing only, but even when crafting, maybe I want to save some specific matierals (or I have materials in my bank) and a player just gave me mats (in my pack), so i want to make sure I don't use my bank materials when crafting the item. So again by having some filter or toggle I could easily see what I have.
You could also possibly apply this to Guild banks as well. So crafters (with permissions setup) could access the guild bank for crafting.