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Fix Immovable Please

Immovable needs to be fixed. Presently it doesn't require even 1 piece of heavy armor to use immovable. In my guild having immovable is required on 1 load out because it's too good not to have and anyone can use it since it has no requirements. Any 1 move that everyone should have in a game like this is broken.

My proposed fix is any armor move should require the player to be wearing at least 3 pieces of said armor. That way if you want to use an armor skill you need to either main that armor or lose the 5 piece bonus. So you could either have 2 armor skills and miss the 5 set bonus or use an armor skill based on your main armor type.

Something needs to be done about this because as of now it's completely broken and until you fix it there's going to be an entire guild running around with immovable even though most of them won't have a single piece of heavy armor on including me :(
  • Awesometographer
    Doesn't seem broken to me. The base spell doesn't indicate needing armor, yet both morphs increase it based on how many pieces are worn... I doubt that omission on the base spell was by accident.

    If that guild requires that spell and you don't want it... don't play with them.
    Any 1 move that everyone should have in a game like this is broken.
    Why should everyone have it? Completely useless to me - I definitely won't be wasting space on it.
  • Xecron
    if I use stamina for making damage,I wouldnt use immovable due to save stamina.I would go support spells which related with magicka to make balance.And as people said perhaps it wouldnt worth with 0 piece because it would be 8 seconds for that high stamina cost.
  • Rainingblood
    It's a situational skill. If your guild is requiring you have it slotted I would fine another guild instead of coming here and demanding it be changed. As other s have said, it's a huge resource cost. If you use it too often you are gimping yourself.

    The other armor actives are the same, BTW, so seems like balance to me.
    Phoebe Anderson
  • Sleepydan
    I'm not saying I agree or disagree, as I haven't unlocked the spell yet to even use it.

    With that said, I got the impression he thinks it's op because there is an entire guild of players who WANT to use it, and find it useful to their overall strategy. Like there are werewolf/vampire guilds and the like.
  • Teloran
    I think it's pretty much mandatory to have one survivability skill but Immovable isn't the only one. Lighting form doea pretty much the same thing but uses magica, while abilities like dragon blood, elude, or shadow cloak+shadow barrier give you survivability in different ways, each with different advantages.

    I think the issue is more that your guild needs to relax its policy, since immovable won't always be the best survival skill for each build.

  • Catches_the_Sun
    I agree with the OP in that it is ridiculous to be able to use an armor skill without even equipping the armor for which that skill is intended. I have been saying this from the start. We all think it makes sense to equip a Bow to use Bow skills, right? Why should armor actives behave differently?
    Catches-the-Sun - Argonian Templar - Master Smith, Provisioner, Chemist & Tailor
    Valaren Arobone - Dunmer Flamewalker - Master Woodworker, Provisioner, Assassin
    Kazahad - Khajiiti Arcane Archer - Master Thief
    V'orkten - Redguard Swordmaster
    Finnvardr the Frenzied - Werewolf Berzerker
  • chrisub17_ESO104
    It's probably the way it is because with so much CC in the game, they wanted to provide a relatively easy to get, yet expensive to use, counter. One that anyone could use. That actually seems like a fairly balanced approach to me. Although I could see it making more sense in the fighters guilds line. 0
  • Drekor
    It's probably the way it is because with so much CC in the game, they wanted to provide a relatively easy to get, yet expensive to use, counter. One that anyone could use. That actually seems like a fairly balanced approach to me. Although I could see it making more sense in the fighters guilds line. 0
    Everyone already has a CC break+immunity by using bash when your are CC'd, immovable is unnecessary in that regard.
  • Vangrave
    I don't think they should add an armor requirement, but I do think they should reduce the base effect but increase the boost you get from heavy armor so that, when wearing heavy armor, there is no change in effectiveness. That way you still have access to the skill for anti-cc stuff but are sacrificing a lot more stamina for it.
  • ThatHappyCat
    Drekor wrote: »
    It's probably the way it is because with so much CC in the game, they wanted to provide a relatively easy to get, yet expensive to use, counter. One that anyone could use. That actually seems like a fairly balanced approach to me. Although I could see it making more sense in the fighters guilds line. 0
    Everyone already has a CC break+immunity by using bash when your are CC'd, immovable is unnecessary in that regard.

    Immovable has the advantage of using less stamina than CC breaker (generally) and you can use it before you get CC'd. Of course you can't use it to break CCs so there's that.

    It's also a pretty strong survivability buff.

    Edited by ThatHappyCat on April 14, 2014 3:08PM
  • taylorwilenskiub17_ESO
    Lol how are you in a guild that requires you to have a certain ability to be slotted? Like *** of m8.
  • a11051605
    1st of all I doubt ur guild really requires that.
    2nd Its not that good on some roles/ classes and would actually gimp you, IE i want my healer to have another heal not an armour buff cause in a dungeon tank should be keeping mobs of healer in 1st place.
    3rd Its simply not that amazing and if you want to take up one of your skill spots just to have a heavy stam skill that offers a 8 second buff then that ur deal have fun.
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    funny that ppl bash this guy, he is playing in a guild that know what they are doing.
    while you guys are being clueless.

    and he is right about the matter, the armor activtes should requier some gear to use it.

    immovable is prolly best pvp spell, its a freaking permanent pvp trinket with some resource cost that wont hurt you that bad.

    Concidering what you would pay for not having it.
  • pecheckler
    The fact is that immovable is better than the medium and light armor active abilities, and it's also a better choice over circle of protection and rune focus because of the mobility.
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    pecheckler wrote: »
    The fact is that immovable is better than the medium and light armor active abilities, and it's also a better choice over circle of protection and rune focus because of the mobility.

    Not for pve tanks the dodge in medium armor is far better than immovable actually, giving you way more effective hp against a physical boss than the armor would grant you.

    but bosses with spells immovable is better.

    and for pvp hmm yepp immovable is supperior and a pvp trinket should be in the pvp tree imo.
  • ZoM_Head
    pecheckler wrote: »
    The fact is that immovable is better than the medium and light armor active abilities, and it's also a better choice over circle of protection and rune focus because of the mobility.

    Not for pve tanks the dodge in medium armor is far better than immovable actually, giving you way more effective hp against a physical boss than the armor would grant you.

    but bosses with spells immovable is better.

    and for pvp hmm yepp immovable is supperior and a pvp trinket should be in the pvp tree imo.

    My Nightblade will disagree with you in PVE, the dodge chance is very very low at level 1 when you face level 30+ enemies.

    My Dragon Night loves tanking in PVE with immovable in dungeons and world bosses from level 1 in this skill.

    Maybe at level 10 in Medium armour active it shines, but my Nightblade just does not like it at all.

    And FYI, immovable does not really make you 100% immune to knockbacks for 8+ seconds. Elden Hollow final boss kept knocking back my tank with her massive AOE explosions, despite immovable being active.
    Edited by ZoM_Head on April 29, 2014 7:04AM
    mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    pecheckler wrote: »
    The fact is that immovable is better than the medium and light armor active abilities, and it's also a better choice over circle of protection and rune focus because of the mobility.

    Not for pve tanks the dodge in medium armor is far better than immovable actually, giving you way more effective hp against a physical boss than the armor would grant you.

    but bosses with spells immovable is better.

    and for pvp hmm yepp immovable is supperior and a pvp trinket should be in the pvp tree imo.

    My Nightblade will disagree with you in PVE, the dodge chance is very very low at level 1 when you face level 30+ enemies.

    My Dragon Night loves tanking in PVE with immovable in dungeons and world bosses from level 1 in this skill.

    Maybe at level 10 in Medium armour active it shines, but my Nightblade just does not like it at all.

    And FYI, immovable does not really make you 100% immune to knockbacks for 8+ seconds. Elden Hollow final boss kept knocking back my tank with her massive AOE explosions, despite immovable being active.

    I am talking about endgame not silly levling crap that counts for nothing. ENDGAME, a boss hits a lot harder wich means a dodge makes a world diffrence, compared to mobs when you lvl wich hits like someone poking at you.

    a heavy hit from boss that hits hard can deal around 20-30% with all mitigationspells on, a dodge on that. well lets just say your EHP becomes way more effective than spellresist and armor would give you.
  • Andy22
    a boss hits a lot harder which means a dodge makes a world diffrence,

    a heavy hit from boss that hits hard can deal around 20-30% with all mitigationspells on, a dodge on that. well lets just say your EHP becomes way more effective than spellresist and armor would give you.

    The main reason as tank to use immovable is for the cc immunity, not the armor/resist. So comparing it against Elude from a EHP standpoint is a little flawed.

    So yes, if u can run a dodge, medium armor build and have no better ways of handling trash groups the 20% extra dodge chance comes in handy.

    For boss fights i noticed that the big "oh ***" moments have nearly always to-do with ae damage or special stuff u cant actually "dodge" via Elude. So i don't see a huge incentive to use Elude for boss fights.
    Edited by Andy22 on April 30, 2014 9:16AM
  • Creslian7
    The armor abilities should require all 7 pieces of that armor type to use. It should be a bonus for using that type of armor.
  • Gisgo
    Hmmmm i agree this should require at least a couple or three pieces of heavy armor on.
  • Hodorius

    It´s really great in PvP for my medium armour wearing NB.
    Heavy armour should be required to use that.

    2 pieces would be not enough and a full armour too much...
  • Sakiri
    You know you can get that in a potion too, right OP?
  • Baphomet
    The armor actives are fine as they are. They don't really become very useful until you morph them and wear armor pieces pertaining to the armor lines.

    Immovable is a good universal ability because it gives people that CC immunity they often feel they lack - the game just requires you to level up your heavy armor in order to use it (which is extremely easy to do, anyways).

    Immovable it also a good newbie/practice ability and I used it a lot back in the day. But once I got more seasoned, learned how to block more effectively and got a better situational awareness, I found it completely redundant.
    - The Psijic Order
    - TKO
    - Dominant Dominion
    - The Noore
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    I agree, but this is not a problem unique to heavy armour.

    In their current state it's nonsensical to have these skills completely separate from their actual armour usage. After all, we have to have our weapons equipped to use their associated skills. It should be the same for the armour skills too. I'd personally like to see the active armour skills affected by the number of pieces you have equipped of that armour type. For example:
    • Annulment:
      Creates an X point damage shield for 3 seconds, per piece of light armour equipped. Player takes 50% less damage from spells whilst shield holds. (i.e. full light armour equipped will give you 21 seconds).
    • Evasion:
      Player gains a 15% dodge chance for 2 seconds, per piece of medium armour equipped when activated. (i.e. Wearing a full medium armour set will give you 14 seconds).
    • Immovable:
      Increases Armour and Spell Resistance by X amount for 1 second, per piece of heavy armour equipped. Grants immunity to knockback and disabling effects for the duration. (i.e. seven pieces of heavy armour will give you 7 seconds)

    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Crescent
    Elude is crap for anyone who isn't stacking mitigation. With leather it's a 21% chance to dodge. That's too low to gamble your health on as a leather user. You have to pair it with Ember Explosion and in that case you're using 2 skill slots that do no real damage just to have something like a 60% chance to have mobs not hit you, assuming they stack. And it's a large stamina dump to just keep ember explosion up running with elude.

    Annulment only works while the damage shield lasts, which is not long at all, maybe 2-3 hits from a veteran mob, so it's gone almost instantly with a pack of mobs, and on top of it costs a hefty amount of mana.

    Immovable is the only good armor skill. It's not even the armor or the spell resist (which will mitigate more spell damage than annulment ever will in the long run). It's the CC immunity which is so stupidly good when you have 2-3 mobs spamming either uppercut on you or that annoying rooting stun. CC immunity is the best form of survival you can have in a game where not being able to use defensive skills spells death due to the sheer damage output of mobs and players.

    Oh, and Immovable is invaluable to magicka users because it borrows from a resource pool they barely use.

    And to hell with tying immovable to plate armor. As if you DK's and Templars who can afford to use plate and still deal damage while sorcs and NB's with plate do no damage whatsoever needed more exclusive goods.
    Edited by Crescent on May 6, 2014 12:19PM
  • alexj4596b14_ESO
    Crescent wrote: »

    Annulment only works while the damage shield lasts, which is not long at all, maybe 2-3 hits from a veteran mob, so it's gone almost instantly with a pack of mobs, and on top of it costs a hefty amount of mana.

    Just want too point out, as long as A shield is up the buff applys, So if i cast annulment, Hardened Ward, and have a X shield is applied every 5 seconds on my weapons as long as i don't lose the X amount of shield points that come from annulment then that 50% or 100%(soon too be) will also be effective..just saying. it only last for 20 seconds, hardened ward only last for 19 seconds, also want too point out that annulment for non complete light armored user's its going too cost a huge amount of mana too use, 345+350=695 magic too use both skills at the same time, in pvp if your being hit it will not mater in pve you cant waist you magic like that you need too do damage this set up will only work for Scorc tanks, and they will only be able too apply it in OH S*** situations ware heshe needs too be unkillable for a period of time.
  • alexj4596b14_ESO
    Creslian7 wrote: »
    The armor abilities should require all 7 pieces of that armor type to use. It should be a bonus for using that type of armor.

    i agree with too a degree, but rember unless they have those amour pieces equipped they are not getting the full amount from it, also they dont get the reductions from it so its costing a full amount, so for annulment it requires 450 magic too cast without having light amour equipped, so at MAX you can cast it 4 times in a row but you would be able too little else
  • NordJitsu
    Its really not that good. You can over charge your armor and spell resistance easily without any active skill. That saves you the stamina and it saves you from having to recast.

    Between blocking, auto-immunity, and CC-break I can already ignore most CC.

    So who cares about immovable?
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Harakh
    Nightblades dont need the Evasion from medium armor they have a skill for that magicka based.
    Die Welt in einem Sandkorn sehen
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    Die Unendlichkeit in der Handfläche halten
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  • Anzer
    Harakh wrote: »
    Nightblades dont need the Evasion from medium armor they have a skill for that magicka based.
    Yeah, but the effects stack, so...
    NA Server:

    Anzer - Nightblade Tank / Zander - Dragonknight Tank / Selvaria - Sorcerer Healer / Rozalin Black - Templar Healer
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