6vs6 or 8vs8. No roles. Separate DM and objective queues. Fix old bugs.
Smaller maps that force engagements not winning by stealing, running and hiding, though they're my favorite.
Grant daily rewards by personal medals, e.g. first 1000 or 2000 points. Winners get additional rewards.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »They mentioned no companions in Chapter but there will be companions later this year. So my guess is companion vs companion PvP in Q4, like some kind of Companion Pokemon battle thing. I'm joking. Maybe.
SpacemanSpiff1 wrote: »
im hyped for a new deck. pvp lesgo
please please please give us a well functioning dynamic BG/PvP ranking system: I am so bored of being stuck in fighting streamers and professional players in BGs....result...being farmed.
When this doesn't happen I end up pitched against PvErs and my K/D ration goes through the roof.
Either way this is really no fun. The usual idiot may say gitgud or L2P....I can't and don't want to: full time job, busy life, socializing etc..
I just want to be pitched against people who have a similar skillset
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »
The fact of the matter is that there legitimately aren't enough BG players for a proper MMR system. There simply wouldn't be enough players to fill each skill bracket.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »I still have yet to do BGs even though thats all I did in SWTOR. Its the same everywhere. Premades vs pugs and rating complaints and a population not big enough to support the fix
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »
If you don't want to go against premades then don't queue for group queue?
I think grouped duels/PvP flags would be the coolest. Players could RP as raid bosses. You could play hostage extraction in your house. The good campaigns are full anyway and nobody likes Ravenwatch. Shouldn't give AP outside of Cyro though so that it can't be abused.
Could be as easy as DC/EP/AD/Rogue. Fully optional sign-up, no tag-ins. No disabling in combat or up to 1 minute after last being hit by a player. Death removes the lockout.