Suggestion #2

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In WoW Classic and Guild Wars 2 both games don't have specific roles (dps, tank, heals) required for dungeon groups.

In guild wars 2 from what I remember is that people can queue for dungeons by class and immediate invites. There isn't a queue to wait in for dungeons. Also groups can be any size and have a variety of different playing styles. The dungeon can still be completed.

In WoW classic the dungeon groups are completely random. The way to get invited is to message another player in the General Chat or be part of a guild/friend group. Players of any class, skill level, build, and level can be grouped together. Also like guild wars 2 the group does not have to be full inorder to complete the dungeon.

In Retail WoW and ESO the dungeon groups have specific role requirements inorder to queue, have to wait in queue or wait for group to be filled, and the dungeons are harder to complete or can't be completed without a full group.

The point of this other suggestion I have is for ESO to have a dungeon queue system like guild wars 2 and to not have specific role requirements like WoW classic to do dungeons.
Edited by wilykcat on March 28, 2024 9:53PM
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