The game doesn't seem to have a very satisfactory way of finding replacements for people who drop out or get kicked from dungeons.
I'm sure we've all been annoyed when someone drops and it takes forever to find a replacement. Or, you have been drafted in and can't port to anyone, so you run 5km only to see 'activity complete' appear and it's all over. Unsatisfactory.
A couple of days ago was my first time in one of the new dungeons (daedra chick from MA that digs the barons who move like Jagger). 'Tank' runs in and dies, isn't present for the next 50%, reappears, dies, gets vote kicked. I hope there was no family emergency, but now we have no tank. Next guy just bugs out so it looks like a loss. Fortunately, the last person bat-phones a guildie who tanks us through the end.
Sometimes I just want the transmutes. I'd like to be able to flag myself as available to fill a hole, in exchange for having some minimum role requirements (eg healing staff for healer, 1H for tank) and the game can just throw me into the party wherever they are. Fast and direct. I'll gear up from my assistant.
What do you think?