I don't think there's really anything fun or enjoyable about this whole dungeon.
I don't mean it's difficult or rough, I just mean there's nothing to find fun about it.
1. The first boss with hunter and cat is a little mundane, nothing really interesting there.
2. The path to the bosses seems linear corridors of boring groups - slightly too long on the whole running (reminds of me lair of maarselok in terms of too long).
3. The second boss there was fire everywhere, the boss was healing but I just kept stabbing it without any care in the world. No real mechanics just a lot of fire in places that didn't seem to add to the enjoyability of the fight.
4. The final fight you go into a side room to stab someone, you get ported back - the fire squares on the ground don't really add to the fight.
The mechanics aren't new to me - I mean kiting square mechanics I've done in multiple other MMOs - but it just seems like Oathsworn pit is blah.
The glass shard dungeon, however, is quite nice.