valenwood_vegan wrote: »It's like... more for people into the story / RP aspects of questing I would think.
There can also be minor effects on the quest later - for example iirc if you complete that optional step in "To Save a Chief", I think there's a NPC who offers you some advice with getting through the rest of the quest, and if you don't complete the step you don't get to speak with him. [May not be remembering that right because it's been a long time].
Look at it this way: all quests other than Main Story and Zone Story quests are optional, if you think about it, for the purpose of 'completing' the game. Optional steps within quests are the same. It's all there to add more flavour to the world. One might even argue that the 'flavour of the world' is the primary purpose of an RPG, and the Main/Zone Story quests are also merely vehicles to provide that flavour.
FlopsyPrince wrote: »Look at it this way: all quests other than Main Story and Zone Story quests are optional, if you think about it, for the purpose of 'completing' the game. Optional steps within quests are the same. It's all there to add more flavour to the world. One might even argue that the 'flavour of the world' is the primary purpose of an RPG, and the Main/Zone Story quests are also merely vehicles to provide that flavour.
So they are more Role Play steps than something I get anything extra (including XP) for, basically?
Necrotech_Master wrote: »FlopsyPrince wrote: »Look at it this way: all quests other than Main Story and Zone Story quests are optional, if you think about it, for the purpose of 'completing' the game. Optional steps within quests are the same. It's all there to add more flavour to the world. One might even argue that the 'flavour of the world' is the primary purpose of an RPG, and the Main/Zone Story quests are also merely vehicles to provide that flavour.
So they are more Role Play steps than something I get anything extra (including XP) for, basically?
more or less
i dont think any of the extra steps allow you to skip part of quests, such as using the "intimidate" (or the one from the mages guild) on certain dialogs
a lot of them dont have serious quest impact either like a red dialog choice that can change the direction of the questa good example of "optional" quest objectives would be in mirris intro quest, in each of the rooms where you have to free one of her friends/family, you can do it the "proper" way by optionally triggering all of the levers to free the person, or you can choose to just interact with the person which will kill them on the spot
this changes mirris dialogs throughout the quest, and at the end of the quest, but does not impact rewards, or the actual outcome of the quest (mirri still joins you regardless even if you killed all her friends/family, or saved her friends/family)
I don't think any in-character choice or optional dialogue has ever had a lasting effect on the game world as far as your character is concerned, other than the skillpoints from a magic book I'm too lazy to find out how to make spoiler tags for.