Today I’d like to know how you all feel about our class and skillline system.
Please understand that this is not purely about skills and spells alone, but also about lore and immersion in the world. I personally have never played a Nord, Orc or Redguard since I am missing a non magical warrior class.
It is also about exploration! I personally loved to travel the world and collect spells from skillbooks and trainers. It was always nice to visit a mages guild guildhall or a magic shop and see what new spells they might have.
As someone that has played TES 3-5, I personally wish for some more of the old skilllines to return. Like the schools of magic and the speech craft skilllines, as well some new skilllines like a spear/halberd.
Some of the classes also have issues for me. I personally feel the Arcanist might have been some good black book skilllines for everyone. So we have a deadric cultist class for one specific prince. Of cause you can argue that is fine but on the other hand, we have something basic like a warrior class, that is still missing.
For example we had the following classes in TES4 Oblivion:
- Acrobat
- Agent
- Archer
- Assassin
- Barbarian
- Bard
- Battlemage
- Crusader
- Healer
- Knight
- Mage
- Monk
- Nightblade
- Pilgrim
- Rogue
- Scout
- Sorcerer
- Spellsword
- Thief
- Warrior
- Wichthunter
In comparison in TESO we have:
- Dragonknight
- Necromancer
- Nightblade
- Sorcerer
- Templar
- Arcanist
- Warden
Some of the new ones from TESO are rather specific. Also in TES4 whatever your class was, it was a starting point and you always had access to all skill lines and spells, where TESO has a lot of exclusives. The TES4 classes had however the problem with the attributes, so in TES5 Skyrim classes with all the restrictions were gone. That freedom was nice too.
So how do you guys feel about this topic?
Edited by ThelerisTelvanni on March 11, 2024 3:53PM
How do you feel about classes and other skilllines? 16 votes
To me lore implications do not matter and as a MMORPG player it is totally fine as it is! I however enjoy the freedom TESO offers with the additional skilllines.
1 vote
To be honest as a MMORPG player I sometimes miss the good old boundary's of confined classes.
As an oldschool TES player I miss a lot of the old classes and the skilllines for the schools of magic as well as others. It is about lore but also about player freedom, since I liked how unrestricted the older TES classsystems were. So please give us that freedom! Let us collect spells and skills in the world. Let the skilllines the requirements and passive perks.
I loved TES5 Skyrim and the freedom of having no classes at all. Play as you want and choose the skills of whatever skillline you want! I’d love to have that in TESO!

2 votes
In general I am happy with the class and skill system of TESO, but I need some more classes! Like a warrior. (Write a comment which ones!)
In general I am happy with the class and skill system of TESO, but I need more skilllines, the schools of magic, speachcraft or a spear/halberd. (Write a comment which ones!)
1 vote
In general I am happy with the class and skill system of TESO, but I need both more classes and skilllines! (Write a comment which ones!)

2 votes
I’d like to keep the unique classes and skilllines, but please give us the schools of magic and let us collect some additional spells and skills when traveling the world.
1 vote
I think we can improve TESO’s class and skill system however the above mentioned are not exactly what I have in mind. (Please write a comment!)